Prince impact work

Raised on the majestic, golden beaches of San Diego, California” Genuine nice guy and Hollywood entertainer *Prince Jordan Tyson: has made it his life’s mission to inspire, motivate and empower, “thousands” of “people” including those who have been victimized and suffered catastrophic and traumatic tragedy’s, caused by the hands of: “unqualified”  “systemically violent predators.”  prince was born into a prominent-church / pastoral-family; some holding titles of: “Monsignor,” “Preacher,” “Pastor,” “Hero,” “Celebrity” and “PK” (Even prince has the title of: “PGK.”) – (Preachers-Grandkid.) As you might guess, he grew up different than most people; literally spending his entire life, helping, serving, and catering to others, in the public. Fulfilling everyone’s prayers, needs, wishes and desires, (giving all of himself to help them),”doing exactly as his family- God, and Jesus commanded!” (See Bible Scriptures) Aside from; “ecclesiastical works;” his own charitable and “philanthropist works” consist of: “volunteering-personal-time,” “talents” “skills,” “resources” and “helping victims to heal from systemic, governmental, institutional, emotional, environmental, domestic and childhood based traumas.”‘

How does he do all of that?  “Prince listens to everyone, which is (one reason)- he is such a good communicator.”  If you have seen him live, on stage, or in public; then you have personally witnessed: INCREASING BRAND VALUE, MONEY, and ATTENTION FOR CITIES, OFFICIALS and BUSINESS.  RAISING AWARENESS, HELPING CELEBRITIES, CHARITIES, CHURCHS,COMMUNUTIES, MUNICIPALITIES, COUNTRIES, FAMILIY’S, CHILDREN and VICTIMS OF SYSTEMIC or ENVIRONMENTAL ABUSE.” (See Exhibit A) (Exhibit B) (Exhibit C) (Exhibit D) (Exhibit E) (Exhibit F) What attributes, do people hire him for? “he is intelligent, and unforgettable.”- “People always remember him!” They walk away appreciating; thanking,  giving credit to the productions, officials, places and cities they saw him at. People are “amused or amazed,” with him. They become filled “with smiles and laughs,” feeling good about themselves, recounting, warmth, compassion, blessings, gifts, healings, help, wisdom, love or knowledge received. 

Sadly: “No good deed, goes unpunished.” alas, there is a tragic side to this story.-  As a result of giving much so much love and attention to over: “one million people.” (Some of the persons in power, public, and officials became jealous,) much like: “grade schoolers” began yelling, calling names, abusing, “seeking attention,” “retaliation” and “revenge,” (especially if their advances were not met,) each of them taking advantage of his purity and innocence. They: acting in concert, with the government, victimized, stole, and injured him multiple-times. (causing his life to “spiral,” “tailspin” out of control” and suffer in many tragic ways.) On his You Tube original videos, blogs and podcasts: (2018-2022) seen by many people, Prince details- some of the horrific, near fatal physical, psychological, affinity attacks and abuses he has encountered, witnessed and experienced as a child, teenager and adult by many agencies, institutions, entity’s, corporations, and persons. All hurting him in similar, unwanted ways.


*denotes 35 year political action track record

(As a result of being victimized by systemic corruption,) His “positive-change” advocacy began making headlines- back (in 1991). As a senior in high school, the Young Prince, worked for a radio station (K.O.Z.T) and multiple-newspapers “investigative reporting,” photography, writing, editing. Helping the city of: Fort Bragg, California and Mendocino, California get rid of (government corruption and criminals.) *(NOTE) {albeit: trying to (save) a couple.}  His next “political” move, made some small waves when (in 1996)- he became the publisher of an “ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE MAGAZINE” campaigning on the capitol steps of Denver, Colorado (See Exhibit A.) (Exhibit B) Working with several notable persons and organizations, Prince wrote, edited and published an entire: “Nationwide” “Earth-saving-campaign” geared to provide great results of: “world-healing,” “compassion,” “safety” and to bring about “positive-world-change.” sadly, (Instead of helping) the government, disinterested parties, and “unrelated” industry’s-  discovered that he was on to something, and that he could NOT be bought or silenced.  As a result; they each began to sabotage, set up, attack and commit “hate crimes” upon him for being brave enough to: “research,” “investigate,” “blow the whistle” and speak up about their “corrupt” organizations. (In 2017) he made “tidal waves,” this time: “across the entire planet,”  when (both) “world history” and “national news” covered his works of: “EXPOSING MAJOR POLITICAL CORRUPTION” within Washington DC and Hollywood government circles (see these exhibits) (Exhibit B) (Exhibit C) (Exhibit D). Then, In (2018) he was back on top, with the “Hollywood elite,”  this time working side by side, with Paris and Nikki Hilton; in a political campaign: entitled: “I stand with my pack,” supporting  “California’s Animal Rights Rescue.” (Exhibit E)  


PRESENT DAY Sadly, people still continue to harass and hurt him for simply being himself, and/ or, for his works. The good news is: his videos, podcasts and efforts have resulted in (some) public-awareness, of the many ‘troubled industries.  We would like to believe that with all of his public works, they have created some sort of policy change at the state levels, philanthropic initiatives, and media projects for himself and for others.  He is currently filing several: “multi-billion dollar lawsuits,” against those who have injured and harmed him. Additionally, chartering the Royal Family Care(s) Act(s). To learn more about the very real and serious issues he is lobbying-visit his global-platforms.


Prince has: helped  over “one million people,” (most of them) “one on one!”

Many people hire him, sadly, some actually tried to steal him, to obtain his skills and talents, knowing what he does for people, business, city’s and communities.


utilizing experience as a “news-reporter” and “journalist,” since high school,  Prince, began these “survivor” trauma: videos and podcasts in (2018); before; other “notable persons” (on his team,) adopted / used these style of  works in  their own productions in: Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Bel-Air, California . (audios proof here)  


“His innate abilities to profile and ease the suffering of others, markedly points towards the legendary and great leadership roles, his Royal Family has played for over 5000 years.”  

– Associated Press

Prince Jordans pure healing talents are; specifically intertwined, couture’d and lovingly spread, by smooth strokes of his proverbial “ancient” paintbrush; so evenly into the fabric of our existence, that he creates a very recognizable happy public atmosphere., anywhere he goes, complete with drops of  wholesomeness, love, compassion, reality and a sense of  normalcy.  – associated press

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