during the years of 1995 to 1998  Prince published an ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE magazine entitled: “THE WALL.” It was formed on the steps of  Denver, Colorado’s Capitol building with Ken Gorman, and made its way to the steps of California’s Capitol building.” Sadly after interviewing a California  senator, (catching him in a lie,) a team of FBI goons raided the Magazine headquarters BROKE INTO PRINCE HOUSE,  taking over one million in cash, checks and signed contracts. (They took all computers and disks) forcing the Magazine to close permanently. (Ironically) (California passed the Laws anyway.) thereby, proving:  It was shut down for no reason. Prince, his family and children, would have been  multi- millionaires had it not been for their stupidity.

Mayoral- Candidate Ken Gorman, was mentoring Prince on: “ENVIROMENTAL DEFENSE!” They worked side by side during many of these events.

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