Key Points- This- Show- forgot-to-mention


(1.) “Prince” was; “taken-advantage-of:  By a corporation’s:  C.E.O, and staff. They specifically; “singled-him-out,” and “targeted-him;” due to his; naivity, “well-groomed” “proper,” “gentleman,” “polite,” “TRUSTING” persona. (They knew he would be good to use and abuse, thewy could make him a slave and force him to do their dirty work for them.)  Additionally; because he is an “Pure,” “Innocent,” (Christian-Preachers-Grandson!) Whom does have “disabilities.” – (that also made him an easy target.)

The corporation, city, agents, officers, employees, willingly elected to “use,” “abuse,” “scam,” “exploit,” “entice,” “lure,”  “corner,” “force,” “bully,” “trick,” “set Prince up,” placing him into known dangerous conditions.  Forcing him into “abandoning” his (Life,)-(Lifestyle,) and the “very-safe,” very-structured,” Environments that he was accustomed to: In the “secure,” “sheltered,”-“protected,” Locations, (home) and (home-city’s). (that he lived in) Including but limited to: Beverly Hills & Bel-Air, and Malibu, California.

(2.) The “Physical and Mental-disabilities,” Prince has had since birth, makes it: “extremely-difficult” for him to say: “NO!” to anyone!  (Because he “heavily-relies” upon others for help.)  Therefore; he is- (vulnerable / susceptible / naive) to ANY AND ALL (artful / designing) persons.

(3.) “Raised in safety” Prince was 100%  raised  in exclusive luxury city’s;  with legendary ski resorts, mountains, the worlds biggest food and fruit farms, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Malibu California, and He spent his entire life on the Ocean. He has lived in gold made mansions and buildings, always surrounded and protected by security personell.  All of them; Major; “5-Star-“Hospitality-tourist communities,” and (corporations.) for 35 years, This is THE-ONLY-THING; (Prince has ever known.)  being surrounded, by safety and security.,

(4.)  “Hospitality Disability” / “Groomed to give in to everyone” All  He has ever done, and knows is: how to: “Give in to People,.  “Giving to”-  “Serving-People,” “Doing what they say or ask,” “Not asking questions,” “Catering to all of their needs, wishes, desires, orders, instructions, demands, and giving them exactly what they want and ask for, when they ask for it, how they want it, and when they want it.-(without questioning anything at all, whatsoever.)  Why? {Because he has been groomed that way since birth.} By being abused, molested, beaten, and by  His own: Royal Family’s members, His own Pastoral Family and Church’s. His  own Military and Police families, Bosses, Officials, Television, Stores, Magazines, Movies etc.  As a direct result: (Often times) Prince just does what he is asked- to do,  without even knowing why.  (It is just second nature to him.) – (See Hospitality Disability)

* The 35 years of: “Exceptional”-*(5-star-customer-service) he has provided, to the Public, all 35 years of: Award winning “Service” he has provided to all 1,000 celebrities,” and “V.I.P’s.” – (has literally injured HIM.,)  in the form of  a disability. –  (See hospitality worker disabilities) 

As a Result: The disability “enables-anyone,” (even those with a badge), to take advantage of him, in any-way, shape or form they want too, and he cannot do anything about it. (See Hospitality Disability)  Because; just like a floormat or doormat, he has been conditioned to do whatever he is asked, when he is asked, by anyone that asks. 

(5.) The corrupt-political-corporation, and its officers: that took advantage of him, has a very-long-history of: dirty, “Pre-Meditated,” (“Intimidations,”) via  “Harassment,” “Public-demonstrations of power,” and “corruption.” Which does include: (the-proverbial) “Public-Crusification’s,” “Public Hangings,” and their countless affiliations” to various: crooked: “local, political, Washington DC, connects, public-organizations, underground organizations and clubs.

(6.) Multiple times, Prince was forced, guided by; (GPS,) telephonic-notifications, ring-tones, emails, messages, and phone calls. Additionally: he was: “pushed,” “tricked,” “enticed” “lured” into; (traveling to) (passing by) (entering) (passing through) a location(s), he never intended on.


(7.) Without any written, prior or advance warnings,- Prince “unwillingly” became a victim of the city’s and the corporations “pre-mediated”  corruption problems. This happened because: the Corporation, The City, or Corporate officers, failed to notify anyone, they failed to: identify, reveal, disclose or announce themselves at all.  They also failed to “recuse” themselves of their political offices. (As required by law.)



These “Corruption-offenders” – failed to register to the public,- to the news, and media that they had very serious corruption and crime addiction problems. They chose to keep these corruption problems a secret, they chose to keep these corruption problems hidden from the public, while they themselves remained in power; (forcing you to trust them!)  They chose to keep these corruptions as their deepest, darkest secrets. 

* By doing so they: “breached their own contract,” and  created a” known dangerous condition,” allowing the public to  become injured. 

(8.) The “PRE-EXISTING” corruption problems,” were required to be disclosed, and registered by law. Nobody in the public was notified, or warned about them, and how dangerous they are to the communities. As a direct result of the CORRUPTION-OFFENDERS “FAILURE TO REGISTER TO THE PUBLIC,” – 

*Prince Jordan (himself) became a “VICTIM” when he TRUSTED them and naivly, called these offenders for help! (Thinking they were all  honest!)  NOT KNOWING THEY WERE OFFENDERS.  As a direct result:  * He (got tricked, and illegally held in that city)- by the corporations,  inside that business, by the business, the CEO, and Corporate Officers: so that “THEY!” could commit-more crimes, and THEY could make Prince a “public” and “internal public” “fall-guy” – spectacle.   

They did so by: (“USING PRINCE”) as a personal; “deflective,” (distraction)  loop-hole” & “scapegoat.” to get away.  So  that the publics focus would be on Prince and not them. *(note) Prince was also labeled – (cheap entertainment to them.)  -(as they each laughed at him.) 

(9.) *The Tv show could have said: Prince was ordered and demanded not to say anything, or a fatality might befall him (As publicly demonstrated.)

(10.) The News; could have informed the world: that by leaving- the “safety” of: Beverly-Hills & Bel-Air, and Malibu, California,. – Prince was leaving his “security,” “safety,” “friends,” and “support circles.” As a direct and proximate result: He became exposed to: “Known documented, dangerous, conditions. and Known” “predators,” “Known dangerous-criminals,” and “Known corruption.” He also became trapped in an “Unsafe”- “Un-Protected” “Un-known city, that  he had never been to before in his life.

(11.) They could have mentioned:  He was “taken advantage of” and  forced to “blindly” drive (two-hours,) to “THIER” -location, at the “demands” of: “THEM!”  (to sit inside the city, and city offices, he never been to before) Only to become victimized, by the waiting “crooked-corporate-officers.” of whom; he did not know, had never worked with, never met, and never had any business relationships with. 

(12.) They could have mentioned: These corrupt-corporation-officers; *(“pre-meditated) to “hurt and injure him,” and to: (“Illegally take advantage of him”) -{well before, they ever, even met with him; for the very first time!”} They did so by means of: Pre-Planning, organizing. plotting, scheming,  scouting, recruiting and enlisting, the helps of: many -several-other “corporate-officials,” and “corporate-officers”  to join them.

(13.) The News, should have mentioned that: Prince, the public and people were also “scammed,” and “tricked”  because this was “The first time”- they ever met with Prince.- (they caused him to be “instantly,” harmed, injured and damaged.) the first moment they ever met him. and they never him before.

(14.) The News could have said: The officers “took advantage of Prince,” knowing he was “Innocent and Naive.”  They knowingly, Illegally” (forced him) to “sign-papers,” and “documents,” (that would illegally-keep him there, in that city, to work and make money for them) and “illegally” making it, so that (“he belonged to them,”)- by means of: “forcing” him to sign that contract. (They also forced / gave orders and demands} “to do and say “what they wanted him to do and say- and- they even went so far as to “rehearse these lines with him,  that they were: (instructing / ordering / demanding) him to say) and if he did not, “he would be punished or worse.” -(He was also told; that he could not leave) (or) (cross-lines.) As a result – this corrupt corporation, could now do- whatever they wanted to  him.  And Yes, they did just that – (until Prince Jordan Tyson was brave and heroic enough to  stand up and blow the whistle on them.)

(15.) The News could have mentioned, they “took advantage of Prince” – his “innocence and naivety”  as they “forced” him, (under-duress) and (threats-of-harm) to accept their: ” very-illegal-terms,” and pleas to the “city-council,” and say things- (THEY WANTED HIM TO SAY)- “Against his will!” (All while these corporate-officers, menacingly- sat in the room- and audience, to physically intimidate) and to ensure; he did and said, what they instructed / threatened / demanded him too do.  (If he did not)  (they would use all of their “political-corruption-powers” and “ties,” he could be possibly-mortally-injured.) (*NOTE) this case was about: Greed, Money, Prime Land, A Prime Real Estate deal and “political-law-corruptions”- with ties to (both) Local, State and “Public” Attorneys,  Washington DC and Donald Trump. 

*Which is why- Prince had to wait, (until they left) to report and blow the whistle on them!

(16.) The News could have mentioned that: during the: “pre-meditated-hiring-phase” of: [emails, phone calls- (temporary-road-trip) to Camarillo] Prince was completely “Naive” and “Blindly-Unaware” that, he was “Being taken advantage of,”  and that he was trapped in this persons fifty-years  of:  “pre-meditated” -“very-political corruptions.” 

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