This is what Pedophile- Ron Walters looked 99.9 % of the time

This Man; Molested, Raped beat , Kidnapped and human Trafficked little children including: Prince Jordan Tyson since he was an 8 year old infant  / Then he trained his children and prince Jordans daughter to be terrorists and  do the same things.  He was a Terrorist in every direction, all of his social media, dating back to 2000, stated that he wanted to injure US PRESIDENTS!  He kept illegal armor piercing bullets, illegal weapons and large pornographic collections, then, beat, abused,  gas lighted , groomed, his OWN children, into believing he was a hero!  but he wanted to get rid of US President TRUMP! THIS MAN WAS NO HERO, HE WAS A PSYCHO!  The Number one reason this man hated Prince so much is that Prince was a WHISTLEBLOWER.. See Proof Here “

  1. Prince Jordan Tyson (aka) Anthony was at all times herein mentioned was a “federally protected class” person. His “birth parents” were school employees; and his immediate Grandfather a Catholic-Pastor, His Adopted Grandfather, Law Enforcement and a CIA-agent. From Birth: Anthony was considered a vulnerable / disabled 8-year-old child, suffering (ADD) and Hyper attention deficit disorder- (H.A.D.D.) He was enrolled in “special education classes.” Then: due to “multiple catastrophic injuries;” (2017 through 2022.) He is still-considered a 52 year old; vulnerable, disabled, adult -and at the onset of medical treatment,-(could have) been considered a “semi”-conserved-dependent-adult; suffering, multiple-victimizations, sexual-abuse, Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Attention-Deficit-Disorder, Broken-herniated-lower-spine, Broken-herniated-upper-spine, Broken-shoulder, Brain-damage, Concussion, Childhood-Clergy-Sexual-Abuse, Parental Physical and Sexual Abuse, Covid 19, Toxic Chemical Poisoning. All medical conditions which caused him to suffer medical, emotional and mental health problems, (including) possible mild-mental retardation. He is protected by the social security & disability acts of 1973.


  1. Unwanted Contact
  2. Marriage Contract Scam
  3. Murder
  4. Arrest of Ron Walters
  5. Brainwashing
  6. Mail Theft / Mail Fraud
  7. Adoption Fraud (1 of 3) charges
  8. Kidnapping / Child Abduction
  9. Tax Evasion / Financial Crimes / Fraud on Courts
  10. Unlawful Weapon Collection
  11. Unlawful Audio Recording
  12. Child Sexual Abuse / Torture
  13. Filing False Police Report
  14. Torture / educational neglect / child slave labor
  15. Kidnapping / Crossing State Lines
  16. Lying to a Colorado Government agent
  17. Bait and Switch
  18. Forcing to sign a contract under duress
  19. Gas Lighting / Torture / Sabotage
  20. Adoption fraud
  21. Black mail / fraud on the court
  22. Sabotage
  23. Kidnapping / Child abduction/ Child Harvesting
  24. Attempted Kidnapping / Child Harvesting
  25. Cyber stalking/ cybercrimes / cyber bullying
  26. False Reports / Lying Police / False Imprisonment 
  27. Cyber bullying / cyber stalking
  28. Inheritance theft
  29. ALL Retaliation

History of Case

Kathleen Rae Littlefield

In her youth, my mother was not ordinary in looks, she was a beautiful red-head model type of woman, she was thinnest one on her family with brains and looks.  She drew attention which made her brothers and sisters jealous (1.) She was sweet, polite and refreshing.  She was an innocent catholic schoolgirl,” simply looking for a good, honest, clean husband, and dreaming of a good life. She grew up in a family with 8 brothers and sisters.  Each became troubled with alcohol and drug addiction, (my mother and I were not in any of those things.) we were Christians, we simply went to church and did what we were supposed to do. (2.) (Those facts made her brothers and sisters and other people jealous. (From their perspective), “they assumed;” (“we were better than them!”) (3.) Kathy (My mom) worked feverishly day and night to ensure that I had the best of everything, and the best chance at success, and education. Sadly our entire family knew what she was doing, and that made them and my stepdad and his two children jealous. Naturally she, along with her parents, laid the proper framework for me to succeed in life, but everyone else was jealous., 


My mom was a decorated “US MARINES DAUGHTER,” (Seargent Douglas Rae Littlefield.) was awarded the “silver star medal” for “wartime valor.” -(3rd highest medal in military.) Sadly, her dad passed away in the 1970s. due to injuries. My mom was a catholic schoolgirl, who did possess “some” of her dads’ “Heroic-Marine” -skills. One of them was vowing to keep me away from troubled people, (like my “stepdad Ron.” My mom was 100% Christian/ Catholic- She vowed to protect me, keep me safe and away from cheaters, criminals, druggies and alcoholics. She refused any form of dishonestly and thrust herself into work full time, to support and give me a wonderful educated private Christian school life. (filled with opportunities that none of her brothers or sister or nieces and nephews were being given) My Grandma and her husband Catholic Monsignor Henry Keane, also stepped up to the plate to help. Each taking turns to ensure I became more successful than all my other family members, aunts and uncles’ brothers or sisters.

On her own

 (1980) My mom had been employed at K-Mart with my Grandma Lois Keane and her very troubled drug addict sister Paula Chamberlain. (Tony my biological dad, also worked there and was close to Paula.) For reasons unknown, My mother left K-Mart and was now employed as cashier at Vons Grocery Store, in: La Jolla, California. where she was the new kid on the block, she was the- “main attraction.”


Vons Grocery Store, (In 1980) – My mom and dad were (trying to work things out.) (Until Ron Walters- came into the picture.)  He was the Vons (General Manager.) He was a recently divorced, / separated, large, towering man, standing (6 foot 4) -(250-pounds.) His name became synonymous as an “in-store” “predator.” When my mom joined Vons, he “immediately” took liking to her too, but nobody knew his dark secrets: He was a “mentally disturbed” giant, that had been “physically violent, to his first wife and kids. He loved violence, fighting, horror films, massive amounts of guns and ammunition, armor piercing bullets, walking around the house almost naked every day, reading Playboy magazine and porno collections, molesting / annoying children and taking advantage of vulnerable women. He intentionally hid those facts and even lied to employers, courts, police CPS and my mom.

(It should be known; Rons dad was a police sergeant and CIA agent,)- (his own dad did not like him) Ron was a very dark person, even his humor was dark he told a lot of sex related jokes. He enjoyed belittling, calling people names, and putting people down, degrading them, and making fun of them. – (TORTURING THEM.)  Since his dad a was an officer, he was savvy regarding the law, He frequently had “Violent “delusions” that he himself was an officer. Ron was known as a very troubled youth, with a dark history of murdering animals, and a propensity for violence. (Specifically, cats and dogs.) He loved to shoot, kill and torture them. He grew up knowing how to evade, avoid, skate around laws to find loopholes. As a Young adult, he had many “priors” of being punished for “violence,” by the US military; and “priors” of “violence” injuring his wife and infant children.  Ron has an (M.O) of loving anything with “danger, guns, fear, gore sex or violence.”  It excites him.



Ron Walters was much older than my mom, DURING HIS ENTIRE LIFE; “He favored younger girls” vulnerable girls, vulnerable women, and “always seduced / tricked them into his corner. He surrounded himself with vulnerable people.” (Mostly women) because men could not stand him at all!” (Ask any of his co-workers, employees, or family members.) With his 6’4 (250 lb) size, he could easily attract and manipulate the vulnerable women; conning and lying to them.  He would invent “invisible enemies” making some other person an enemy just so that he could pretend to be the hero-(Like what he did to me.) He was always a failure that nobody liked, who desperately wanted to be a hero.) He would stop t such lo levels to achieve these acts , by intentionally  “GAS LIGHTING” “brainwashing” people, EVEN USING HIS OWN CHILDREN AS PAWNS, as recruiters and / or enlist their vulnerable disabled, or mentally disabled,  friends,: praying on and using hypnotizing and mesmerizing combination of manipulative verbal and physical jokes, insults to destroy peoples and especially children’s self-esteem and intelligence so they were solely forced to rely upon only him for their happiness.  He was rarely surrounded by boys or men.  RON HATED ANYONE WHO WAS SMART ENOUGH TO SEE THROUGH HIS SICKNESS OR ILLNESS. THEY WERE A THREAT TO HIM!  He does not get along with and never did like other men in his LIFE!  My mom was an abused, naïve woman, needing help, she was VUNERABLE. He did not care.  

  • Proof: From his first marriage: Ron had (two children) that grew up never liking him!  as [proof} they rarely wanted to see him and when they turned 18, they feared and intentionally moved far, far, far away from him-  to other states.



False credentials

“Prior to Vons grocery store;” Ron was employed and enlisted in the US Navy. But he was terminated shortly thereafter. But that did not stop him from “MISLEADING” everyone with his “false Navy credentials.” He would use the NAVY as a false selling point, telling / conning, lying to people, that he was some Hero in the Navy. (In fact) he was fired from the Navy going awol and getting into fights with men. He disliked it so much he allegedly had an injury, to get away from the men who wanted to hurt him. (as proof he has not been in contact with any navy men from that time.) Most people in the service are still in contact with friends they made, RON HAS NONE! the men and staff saw though his lies, he could not hide any of it while in the navy.

They all knew: “RON IS A “CON!”  –He is a “Con Artist!”  a “SLEAZY USED CAR SALESMAN”. HE KNEW THAT IN ORDER TO SCAM PEOPLE He needed to lie and cover up those facts.  His intent was to fraudulently obtain favor, jobs, false respect, gain false confidence or sympathy from young vulnerable girls and women with his lies. (However) he intentionally, left out, that he was (only enlisted in the Navy for one year,) and in that short “one year time frame”- he had been “punished” for “exhibiting violent behavior”- FIGHTING WITH OTHER MENand that he hated other men. Subsequently, he found loopholes & manipulated out of the Navy contract -discharged for injuries.



Kathleen Rae Littlefield / Victimized by Ron Walters

My mom was “fresh out of High school,” AND only a (20-year-old,) “Innocent Catholic school girl,” her fist marriage had failed, (Not by her fault) – but When she took this Vons Grocery store job, she trusted her safety to that company and trusted that this Vons store would vet and properly hire its STORE MANAGERS. (But they did not,) she had no idea of her new boss’s -violent past. (She was much younger than Ron,) Therefore more vulnerable. Upon hiring, Ron “immediately began flirting,” talking about the “Navy,” making cat calls and comments to her, physically touching, hugging her, while on the clock, in his office and at her cashier stand. Ron was always looking for loopholes. (He knew that she was married, living with her husband and child.)  he did not care!  (He wanted to be a homewrecker!) and wanted my mom and he would stop at nothing to get her! (EVEN IF IT MEANT BREAKING THE LAW!)



(CRIME #1)

(Unwanted contact)

At Vons, Grocery Store, my mom did not give her number to him, she did not even respond to his, unwanted advances (however) (Ron illegally accessed her employee file to call her at home) He would cause many problems by asking for her when (my dad) TONY answered.  Ron is an opportunist; he knows when and where to strike Wherever there was a loophole, he would slide through it.  If there was any sign of turmoil or trouble: (he would grab that opportunity and capitalize upon it. He TAKES ADVANTAGE OF OTHER’S VUNERABLITIES / MISFORTUNES and preys upon people’s weakness, he even goes so far: as to “create a weakness” (within them) so he could then use them, as his slave, scapegoating and preying upon them. (“Gaslighting” and injuring self-esteem is one of his favorite torture methods.)

Sadly: after Ron began the interfering and homewrecking, my mom and dad fought more and more, as a result.” Ron saw this as an “open door” of “opportunity. (This was his high, it was his addiction an aphrodisiac to him.) He could be the hero! If he created the bad guy! Or if he caused someone to act out! he began to take advantage- (knowing My Kathy (my mom) was helpless vulnerable and / injured.  Ron did not regard her family at all. He did not care.  He recklessly began abusing his position of trust and authority- harassing my mom but being a Christian-she remained faithful to tony.

Sadly, Ron was a very smart, criminal, and since my mom did not immediately give in, he started playing “mind control games” with her. “Recruiting” other vulnerable employees, girls, women, and cashiers; flirting and talking to them, getting then to be a apart of his scheme!  He would tell “dirty adult jokes” from playboy magazines.  His (M. O) was to “mentally destroy” and “discredit” people and “competition,”- to lower their self-esteem, to win people over by telling “funny stories” and “jokes” using “comedy as a weapon” to “disarm,” put down, injure and control his victims, until they became 100% vulnerable to him.

When Ron gathered enough support from people, -causing vulnerability (via) “pre-meditated” laughter at his work, he moved in and used these people like puppets, to control my mom mentally. He began manipulating her, until she became vulnerable to him, and he got the sale.

My mom told him “No” several times and she refused his “unwanted advances” “multiple times.” (SHE WAS STILL MARRRIED!) (SHE WAS A CATHOLIC SCHOOL GIRL.) Unfortunately, Ron did not care. He only cared about himself. He was her boss (he had an unfair advantage over her) she was the trophy, and he would stop at nothing to get her.


(marriage contract scam)

Rons pre-meditated plan worked, He was very smart and always calculated his next moves. Due to his “unlawful interference” She was now alone, vulnerable, single mother, needing help with raising her son. Ron (“WAS A VERY -FAST TALKER – CON ARTIST- USED CAR SALESMAN, VERY INSECURE, SICK MAN, WHO PRAYED ON LITTLE, PETIT, INJURED OR TRAUMATIZED WOMEN.) He very quickly forced her to move in and marry him. So he did not lose the sale, (so she would not get away or change her mind.)  (He immediately locked her into a marriage contract.) he enjoyed his power, he abused his power, by quickly trapping, vulnerable people, and putting them away, into permanent situations, PLACES AND CONTRACTS, SO THEY COULD NOT GET OUT. ‘’

(Need proof?) He did this again, (30 years later) to another woman, (when my mom died.) he immediately married another woman!  he enjoys quickly trapping, putting people away, into permanent situations, PLACES AND CONTRACTS, SO THEY COULD NOT GET OUT. Also similar to what he has done and is still doing to me.,





Ron caused or partially caused the death of my mom. (it is believed that he murdered my mom.) Throughout her whole life, he mentally and physically beat her down while she was healthy and sick. Even when she was “LEGALLY DISABLED” he mentally destroyed and shamed her called her names and put her down. She was on so many medications and doctors’ treatments, she was vulnerable naïve, mentally and physically disabled, sick and dying; (she just had both of her lungs replaced) and this sick man, was intentionally beating and abusing her, mentally and physically- putting her down every day, calling her names, constantly reminding her of how sick she is that she was going to die. He knew she planned on divorcing him and he was intentionally plotting and preparing for that divorce! She had an insurance policy; he had an insurance policy. They both hated each other. But both were on so many medications it was ridiculous.  Ron knew that he could greatly benefit from the house, cars and nobody would be a witness to his crimes.

There was only one person smart enough to bring this man down. And that was me, his stepson, and he knew this fact. Ron knew she was going to die, (he told me she was going to die.) He knew that if he got me out of the way, he would have even more money and assets and never be caught. (Sadly, I was also under doctor’s care, at this time, I had been diagnosed with: “CHRONIC INSOMNIA” at Redding, California “Mercy Hospital” and “Redding Medical Center Hospital” and “Anderson Walk in clinic.” I was sick, vulnerable, mentally and physical disabled myself on several medications. Ron knew that I had caught on to him and that I knew what he was doing. Because we just had “multiple-big arguments” about it- before I left the house and before I filed the court papers to get my daughter to safety. Almost immediately ron began to do what he always does: Fearing he would be caught; desperately “shifting all focus off him.” to me. He knew I realized what was happening,

(October 2004)-I filed court papers against him (Visalia, California.) I was trying to explain to judge, to the best  I could, and As her father I felt it was necessary to get permission from the court and to inform the courts that my daughter was in danger and needed help.

(October 2004)- When ron was “served with court papers,” he became “furious and delusional.” He immediately committed “fraud on the court,” “lied under oath” “Lied to a judicial officer,” “Lied to a police officer” and “lied to anyone else he could lie to.” He began to “recruit people” based on the lies; he just told them. He illegally “retaliated” “gas lighted” me to the courts and those near him, and tricked anyone that he could control into taking his side. Ron began soliciting and recruiting everyone he could, the mentally disabled, and or / those already under his hypnosis and control. (EVERYONE FEARED HIM!)



The year was now 1982-When ron moved us into his “two story townhouse,” he was still a powerful store manager, who took advantage of everyone, abusing his power. (At home) (Instead of helping) he began punishing, abusing / forcing physical, unwanted physical and sexual contact with him. He would have me look at and read his Playboy collection, he would force me to be naked in a corner or locked in the garage, watching Benny Hill TV shows, then have me lick, sniff or touch or sit on me or have me sit on his private parts- even using objects.

At work: The HYPNOSIS and spells that he put people under, (always wore off) and (Ron knew that they wore off.) (he knew his “cult-brainwashing” had a time limit) (Unless you lived with him, and he could keep hurting and hypnotizing you.) After people shook off the Hypnotics that he mentally gave them, (they always disliked him.)  Therefore, Rons secrets had all been discovered at work, when his hypnosis wore off, He was subsequently asked to resign or be fired from Vons, grocery store, for violating store policies, procedures and / or women. –(IE) (accessing employee files and calling them at home etc.)

His Victims were stacking up and now he, had been caught. Now he had no job at all, and everyone knew what type of person he was. This mentally deranged man, had to run away from his own actions over and over again. (He could not control the people at work anymore) because he was not allowed back. So, he fled and hid far away from the people that could expose, report his crimes, fraud and lies.

  • Victims 1: HIS FIRST WIFE, and KIDS
  • Victims 2: His EMPLOYEES.
  • Victims 3: Tony Aldrich (My biological dad)   
  • Victims 4: My mom and me
  • He needed privacy, to keep abusing me and my mom

Ron was a 30. year old man, who could not make it in the world by himself: he needed victims and to make people his victims, In order to feel better and in order to survive off them.  (but people kept disliking and firing him) He kept getting put into punishment situations or getting fired from jobs, including the NAVY and now from Vons and he already had one failed marriage for abusing his wife and children now his lies were catching up to him.  The only place he could hide, was with his dad. He transported me and my mom 300 miles away from our families, friends, lives, homes, and my school. He moved us to where he could keep us “isolated,” (all to himself,) with no witnesses, no neighbors, deep in the dark rural country, in the middle of Reedley, California. (15 miles from civilization.)



USED CAR SALESMAN – (Reedley, California)

In Reedley, California: (almost immediately) Ron got a job as an: “USED CAR SALESMAN. Bennys-Toyota, then Caves-Ford-Mercury, Then Avis-Rent-A-Car. -it is believed: he got fired from all three. Most of the men, could not stand him and eventually saw through his lies.

“He was good at selling/ manipulating and lying to people, he got a lot of car sales, by lying to people, some of them caught on and some never caught on.  due to his lying skills, sales skills, Caves Ford and Mercury in Reedley, made him the “sales-trainer.” They liked his massive size, massive looks and quick-witted intelligence. (They temporarily bought into his lies) they did not know; he was a CON ARTIST!

This man “appeared respectable” but, was not respectable at all. Growing up, I watched him lie to “everyone” about “everything” you could imagine. (If he told a Goldfish, he would convince you it was blue), he would use a combination of abuse, put downs, psychology, and comedy: make you laugh and keep telling you it was blue, until you believed it!) That’s the type of person he was. It was strange, you would think he is telling the truth. When all this man did was lie about everyone and everything. (He believed it himself.) that’s how he became number one car salesman!




(arrest of ron walters)

(1983) Reedley, California – Ron, was still physically and verbally beating me and my mom.  This occurred: from (1982 through -April 3rd, 1983) (until I had him arrested) (Fresno County sheriffs arrest record (#83-4118.) (See below record) (After that first arrest) and having to deal with CPS.  “Ron was beyond psychologically livid.” He was beyond angry” He became insanely delusional, his fears of being caught; just came true, and He threatened to murder me, he threatened to murder my mom, “violent revenge on me” “retaliation on me: and even death upon me; (I was only a 9-year-old-child!) He vowed “to get even, and make sure that I would never turn him in again.” He vowed that nobody would ever believe me again.”“He threatened to kill me and my mom if I did.” (Fortunately, due to this arrest; he was now on the Police, Sheriffs and Child Protective Services (radar.) (He could not hurt me or my mom during that time.-which made him even more angry.  But that did not stop him, he started wrapping towels around his hands and punching me. ”so there would be no bruises.”

(NOTE) mental illness runs in his family -everyone knew he was sick. Even his own family, brother, sister, nieces’ nephews, aunts and uncles did not like him. some of them were sick too!)





(threats to take me away from my mommy)

Ron- beat my mom physically and verbally, (IN FRONT OF ME). To him; she was an “object”- she was not a person that he loved. “His “red-headed” trophy-fantasy dream- prize-possession property: As he said: “she looked like his playboy magazine girls.” She was the “Innocent Catholic School girl” he always wanted to violate. – (He never wanted me, I was the “baggage-attached to her. –  He wanted me out of the way!  My mom was my whole world, and she meant everything to me.

During my childhood he brainwashed me” in so many different ways, he constantly said and violently said belittling hurtful things; including: “I was too expensive” “he was going to send me away from my mom, sell me or give me to someone else,” send me to a  “foster or group home ” away from my mommy.” All while putting me down, beating me, sexually abusing me, But my mom always stuck up for me, he would beat her too, they would have sex, and the cycle would start all over and to make sure I knew it, he would leave all of their undergarments on the living room floor, so that I had to witness their sexual encounters, as I got up to watch cartoons and eat cereal and get ready for school each morning.


(mail theft / fraud – federal crime)

Ron hated acknowledging or talking with my real dad, or the ALDRICH family. he hated other men, and did not want them calling, sending money, letters, cards or gifts. (He told me, he was going to kill my dad, and/or he threatened him with harm.) but; The Aldrich family kept writing, and sending more letters, cards, gifts, money, wanting to visit me and wanting me to visit.

 Ron would consistently hide the US mail, steal the money inside the cards and letters and stash them in his dresser drawers so my mom and me would not ever find them. Stealing every bit of the money they sent me for: holidays, birthdays, Christmas etc. My mom did not agree, she talked to them and had me talk to them on several occasions; she wanted then to have contact with me. But Ron became insanely jealous, he became delusional and took it out on me and my mom. They had many fights and beatings. He beat both of us because of this, over and over. He would beat/molest me and do sexual things right after I talked to my dad, just to get even.

  • The Aldrich family are an actual celebrity family, with a book written about them, and that made ron insanely Jealous. (2.) They were a real Military hero family and ron was a fake Military Hero, ) The Military kicked ron out and arrested him, for fighting with other men. 4.) He already destroyed the ALDRICH family marriage, and he wanted the ALDRICH family out of his life, forever. 5.) The Aldrich family would not stop being in my life. 6.) To get them out of my and his life; Ron went so far as to adopt me, TO GET MONEY and for tax money from me.


(adoption fraud) (case #1 of 3- federal crime)

  1. Ron stated that he hated spending “HIS MONEY” on me, he wanted Tax Credit (Money) for me. Therefore, he came up with an idea “to adopt me, (for tax reasons only.)”  
  1. Ron stated that he hated my ALDRICH family contacting me, he wanted to adopt me, “so they had no legal reason to contact me.” And because “He got in trouble for, beating a child (that did not belong to him!”). One way out of that trouble was to adopt me, so he could legally abuse me. 



  1. Ron lied to the judge; by stating “he loved me” and “that was the reason for his adoption of me.” (30 years of violence and hatred upon me, is enough evidence to prove he is guilty of adoption fraud, child harvesting, and human trafficking.



  1. His arrest report for child abuse – 1983
  2. His actions from (1983-to 2025) – proves he did not love me!
  3. Stalking, cyber bullying, harassment – 2000-2025
  4. constantly lying to courts, police officials to pit them against me – 1983-2025
  5. constantly recruiting others to pit them against me. – 2000-2025


 “ADOPTION FRAUD” by “LYING TO  JUDGE.”(see human trafficking codes)


(A normal person, who adopts a child out of love, does not do these things!)

 The fact that he beat me. before the adoption, and is still beating, harassing, and doing these things to me in 2025: proves he committed adoption fraud and lied to the officers, judge, court, officials. He did not adopt me out of love. It was adoption fraud. (see human trafficking codes)



(Kidnapping – by force, fear threats.)

Ron, “force” adopted me; (I told him and the judge “no!” (during the hearing) and that this was wrong, I did not want ron to adopt me or take me from my dad at all!)


(AS PROOF) I TOLD THE JUDGE NO! The judge forced us to “take a break.” and it was during that break, “RON threatened to kill me, If I did not say yes!”  I was only a baby child, I did not know what was going on, or what was happening to me. But I knew who my dad was, and I KNEW RON DID NOT LIKE OR LOVE ME, and that Ron was LYING TO THE JUDGE!   due to threats of harm. I was forced to let RON HAVE HIS WAY WITH ME.  I was forced to say yes to the judge.  


 Now, Ron was exempt from punishment! After the adoption was in place, Ron had a green light, he could now legally beat me and do anything else he wanted. He immediately began to “GAS-LIGHT” and “Sabotage” me and my entire family. He calculated, plotted and pre-meditated ways to discredit, tarnish, my reputation. He committed many other crimes, so my mom and everyone else would not believe a word I say ever again. He began beating me like never before I was beat so badly over the next few years, he always targeted my head, face and brain.


(financial crimes / tax evasion / lying to courts / peace officers)

  1. At home, Ron would travel – drive (three-hours) to Los Angeles, “fashion garment districts” to buy “wholesale items” to sell at home and from his front yard. He would illegally set up and operate his home-based business-(without filing any permits or tax licenses) “business DBA names” or “resale licenses.” He cheated taxes, lied to judges, courts, police officers, CPS, employees and the state.


  1. (In 2004) he illegally told the (Tulare County Courts) he could not afford to pay: $35.00 / to file an answer. He stated that he needed a “FEE WAIVER” (however) his assets were in excess of: $250,000 with two persons drawing monthly checks totaling over $3,000 dollars per month. HE LIED TO THE COURTS! and Committed “Fraud on the Court! he owned a $200,000 home a $30,000 Van, a $15,000 Truck, A camper trailer
  1. Ron was also illegally receiving INCOME from my brother and sister living at home, He was forcing them to pay him rent He also received: retirement, SSI, my mom’s employment ETC… He never claimed any of it- but told the courts he could not afford $35.00

He lied about $35.00 to the courts.




 (weapon collection)

Ron Walters was a violent man, who thrived on violence. He amassed a very large arsenal of “weapons”, including illegal guns and “armor-piercing” bullets. Why would this man need “ARMOR PIERCING BULLETS?”  What was he planning? He was delusionally thinking that he was an officer. He hated certain politicians he hated me and certain presidents, – (*Note his stepdad was a police officer) (but in his mind, he thought he was the officer!)  He was a mentally sick vigilante!  

Some of these guns were in fact, -Illegal guns.

  • Handguns,
  • Assault rifles,
  • “Armor piercing bullets,”
  • “Uzi- sub machine gun, (or similar) Mac 9? Teck 9?”
  • Ceramic Glock 9mm
  • Fully automatic machine guns.
  • Police Scanners, Recording devices
  • Illegally “spying” “Digital Spying” / recording people with recording devices,
  • (Illegally “audio recording” people in California without consent)


I was the 9-year-old victim, and stepson and Ron was mentally disturbed man, on every level.  The strange part was his size fooled and hypnotized people, He was therefore such a good actor and car salesman, you would believe anything he said. (He would lie with a straight face.)  behind closed doors, – He was a very insecure “heavy set,” “jealous, man” who had been fired or asked to resign from almost every job.  He had numerous delusional mental issues, including: one that caused him to see (his stepson) as “a fully grown adult man” living inside his house.  (instead of a child) He violently wanted revenge on that grown man wo was living inside his mind and his house.  He was delusional- (he thought this grown man was trying to steal his wife!)  It was just a 9-year-old boy and his mom. Ron acted out upon others as well, calling my mom a cheater, and every grown man who entered our house, according to him, were all after my mom. Even accused “his own brother” and “sisters’ husband” who came over to visit of trying to steal my mom.


(audio recording (at work) / without consent)

At his car salesman jobs, Ron abused his positions of power and authority, as he did everywhere he went.  (It is believed) He got fired from: (1.)  (Condie junior college) in Fresno, California. (2.) (Avis -Car Rental in Fresno-where he was secretly “audio recording employees” (one was a heavy set man, named Joe) He then invited “joe” to go with him to work events, just to take pictures and humiliate him



(child sexual abuse / torture)

Ron “Gas-Lighted,” and physically “Tortured me,” locking me inside “torture closets,” spitting inside my eyes, face, body, penis and anus. Locking me in “torture rooms,” garages, holding me down on his bed, having his way with me, in his bedroom, putting his privates in my face and mouth, he would pay me to do things, force me to drink toilet, urine and feces water. Beat me with sharp or bladed objects, force me to take nude photos, showers in front of him while (he constantly acted like a judge, or officer, and ordered me to be his victim, while he committed child and adult pornography on me, with cameras and other foreign objects,) he threatened to kill me and my mom “If I ever told anyone.” (he would take camera snapshots of me) make me smoke cigarettes or accompany him while he was smoking, nude or defecating or urinating in the bathroom, he made me get nude in front of him. he did verbally beat, sexually and physically assault me as a child.

Ron Walters FATHER was an CIA agent- EVEN He DID NOT LIKE RON! – (AS PROOF) RON DID NOT EVEN KNOW HIS FATHER WAS CIA, BUT I DID.  Additionally, the CIA has access to space cameras that record everything 24/7- 365. They can easily pull up footage of Rons sexual and physical abuse, THE FACT THAT I EVEN KNOW THAT IS (PROOF THIS ALL TRUE) {A decorated CIA agent would not, tell me he was CIA, (if he did not love or trust me 100%) – (Think about that one!)




filing false police report – (RETALIATION #1)

After I had Ron arrested in (1983) he vowed “retaliation and revenge.” After that: every chance he got, Ron “lied to authorities” and every person he could about me” He began a massive lifelong “smear campaign” “to ensure I never had him arrested again.”  –He even lied to his (CIA) (Police Seargent) dad. ” But his dad knew better.  Ron knew; nobody- was in his corner. So (In a major effort) to “get me out of the house” before he got into more trouble, Ron held me hostage in his bedroom, naked on the floor. He paid / coached me, and threatened to kill me, (If) I didn’t tell people “his fake story,” that “he made up” about my brother / sister. (If I refused,) or he would put me in “foster care” “a boy’s home”kill me or my mother” One night (holding money in his hands) he coached and paid me, for rehearsing “his story”- he wanted me-to tell them!




(torture / “educational neglect”)

 At the age of 17, Ron refused to let me finish high school. He lied to the state of California- (CCC) he gave them permission to take me from school, and keep me isolated, away from my mom and he could have her to himself. He conned the (CCC) into illegally sending me far, away from my mom and deep into the forest of Northern California. He knew they would make me do child “slave / labor.” “Forced labor,” I was only a 17-year-old minor, being tortured by this man’s actions, and now I was being victimized by others in a “child labor camp” because of him.  

It should be noted- I was in a “special education classes;” and still in school. He failed to provide necessary assistance for “special education” or to allow me to attend “special education” or any classes. I had not even finished high school; I was a minor and he sent me 500 miles away from my mom to “child labor camp.”




kidnapping / child abduction

after what he had just done to me, when I turned 18; I moved away from ron- (Just like his other two kids did!)   I moved to an entirely different state, near my “biological”-father’s house; in Colorado. Now, when I felt safe: I became common law” married in 1991; and started a family. Life was good: we had a marriage and newborn baby.

This made Ron exceptionally furious because: (1.) being responsible put holes in his stories. (2.) He could no longer control me. (3.) he might get caught for what he did to me and others.

In Colorado, my real dad was right there, protecting me.  (However) Ron did not care, to Ron, my dad was a weak man and much smaller, Ron was a very large and  sick man, when (me and my wife) had a baby girl: Ron Illegally (CROSSED ALL STATE LINES) showed up at my Colorado house “unannounced” “un-wanted” (WITH THE INTENT TO KIDNAP MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER!)  (*Yes, he drove 1,200 miles with intent to take my wife and daughter across state lines with him.)

*He knew that my real dad – (THE MAN HE HATED) was close to me, and my real family were all right there close to me, in Colorado. They were ready to help.  But Ron did not care, he wanted my real dad out of the picture! So he set it in his mind to erase my dad from the picture.

  • He drove to Colorado to kidnap my wife and daughter
  • He drove to Colorado to destroy my marriage and family
  • He wanted to destroy my marriage and family / just like he did to my mom and dads.
  • He did not want my real dad to help me. Even though he was right there close to me.


It was a snowy day in Denver, Colorado. We were living in a one-bedroom newly remodeled townhome.at: 2712 Stout Street in Denver. Our neighbor was a hospital nurse. Every morning: I would get up before work, to take care of the baby-and her mom, who was suffering “post-partum depression.” I would then head off to work. One morning (due to the cold) my car had starting problems, after several minutes; I had glanced over and saw Ron Walters sitting in his big white van, with CALIFORNIA PLATES (hiding out of site) down the street, watching me. I knew his (M.O) (He was delusional and thought he was a police officer.)  Therefore: I decided to play it off. I pretended like I did not see him, and I pretended to leave for work. (After a while) I came back and THERE HE WAS- (INSIDE MY HOUSE,) TRYING TO TAKE MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER ACROSS STATE LINES. When I entered, he was carrying and packing their belongings.

(He was furious that he got caught again.)  Out of fear. I began to call the police, suddenly, he changed his mind. He no longer wanted my wife; he just wanted my daughter! He was now attempting to negotiate and trade my wife for my daughter!  THIS SICK MAN WANTED TO TAKE MY FIRST-BORN BABY DAUGHTER, from both me and my wife. He immediately began his salesman skills and tried to talk me out of calling police.

 I was exhausted, from taking care of my wife who suffered “postpartum depression”- she was under doctor’s care recently “re-hospitalized” along with my daughter who was suffering “jaundice” and “colic.” (I was suffering; no-sleep, brain damage that Ron had caused.

I informed Ron- arrangements had already been made for my wife and daughter to get help and were already receiving treatment and help. (I did not need or want him in my home and that he needed to leave.)  Ron Refused to leave! I told him; (my real dad and his immediate family were very close by, willing to help) At that point, Ron became violent, punching me in the face multiple times (inside my own home.)- {I suspect he wanted her for many reasons, including the fact all his own kids were fat and unhealthy and my daughter was skinny.}




(lying to a Colorado government agent)

Ron was “un-invited, “and refused to leave, I grabbed the phone to call the Denver police again, he left and immediately threatened to get authorities and went to: Denver County offices to see (CPS) worker -Leroy Moreno, He then “lied to that Colorado government Agent” and claimed he was exercising his “grandparents rights” of “VISITATION.

*(note) He was not there to “visit” as a grandparent, he was there to “kidnap my wife and daughter” and take them back across state lines. – (He was not there to visit!)  – HE LIED!

Based upon, the lies he told to Colorado Government Agent, Leroy Moreno, Ron informed me that Leroy, and the State of Colorado gave him “Grandparents access to my daughter;” and (IF) I did not allow him access to my daughter, he would have then had me arrested for violating his “grandparents rights”. He then flashed Leroy Morenos business card- I had no choice but to let him annoy my daughter during this “visitation” I did not know, he lied to Mr Moreno. He began fondling and holding her, taking her outside somewhere unknown.




bait and switch

Whatever the reason: Ron wanted my daughter badly and would stop at nothing to steal her. I would not let him take her. I was fighting for her, I told him NO! He immediately called my mom and told her to talk to me out of my child, on the phone. (He then “instructed” and “coached her” on what to say.)  I told her that I was going to have him arrested, if he took my daughter across state lines. My mom immediately flew from Los Angeles (LAX) to Denver. As frugal as these two were, splurging on a spur of the moment airline ticket had to be an extreme emergency.




(Forced to sign a contract under duress)

When my mom got there: (He physically and verbally ordered my mom) to “talk me out of my own daughter.” (I was still a kid) suffering catastrophic injuries he had caused me, including brain damage. I was newly married and had a newborn baby. Here was this 6’5- 300-pound car-salesman, (utilizing his used car salesman manipulation skills and my own mom) stealing my family, ripping and tearing apart my family and trying to kidnap my wife and baby daughter. (HE FORCED MY MOM TO LIE TO ME) “He threatened / forced me to sign a 6-month agreement” using my mom as a pawn) based upon that agreement, she would bring her back in 6 months.

The “paper agreement:” (I was forced to type) makes it appear, that me and my wife signed this contract “willfully,” but it was (all against my and our will!) (It was signed under duress, by trickery / threats / manipulation and force. Our daughter was literally “STOLEN”! -its not a joke!  

This (6’5) – (300 pound) fully grown, trained, fast talking adult, “tricked” manipulated” (two teenage kids) out of their own daughter. He conned us both into letting him take our daughter across state lines, despite the fact my dad and his family were close to us. Somehow tricked us.  

(I did not trust Ron, at all therefore: I reluctantly sent my wife with him, (to care for our infant daughter)- so she would not have to travel without us.  

This sick man, RON WALTERS just had his way (with two teenagers.)- he got what he was after, just like he did to my mom and dad / he also just did to me, he destroyed and ruined my family and stole my family.

He took both my wife and daughter “ACROSS STATE LINES TO CALIFORNIA; With the promise of returning her and never brought her back. My entire dads family showed up for Christmas: with presents for and to see the baby and to visit. Sadly, Ron had stolen them.

6 months later: Stupidly: “I was still thinking, I was protected by this signed: “6-month agreement,” THAT I WAS FORCED TO SIGN! So we asked for OUR daughter back, he told us- NO!  and went even further to threaten legal ramifications:  to ensure we never got her back. And if I came to California to see her, he would have me arrested. – (As a result, I sent several police welfare checks on my daughter from Colorado. This made Ron even more angry, he grew furious.



 CRIME #19

(gas lighting / torture/ sabotage)

Ron Walters used the “divide and conquer” technique to separate (me and my wife.) Then began to “Gas-Light” (both of us) – (playing us) “against-each-other!” He lied to (both) of us; and (to each other) and (about each other.) he also “gas-lighted” our daughter to hate both of us (especially me) So she grew up hating both of us., and to ensure; we never got back together, and so that neither of us posed a threat of getting her back.




(adoption fraud # 2)

(1993) once again: ron attempted: “ADOPTION FRAUD.” By: “soliciting” my wife for “adoption.” He attempted to “bribe” and “entice” her, stating that “he would adopt her,” “pay for her room,” to live in (at his house), He would “pay for her school,” “buy her supplies and food”- SHE SAID NO!

 {This man wanted to hurt me badly. He wanted to steal and turn “my wife” and “daughter” into (my sisters.) and he did just that: by illegally kidnapping, stealing my entire family! He had some weird, “adoptive addiction” to young girls. (See his Playboy collection and pornography rental history.) – (he knew I could turn him in, for what he did, and was still doing to me and my mom!)




(black mail) (fraud on the court)

When Ron realized he could not “buy” “entice” or “adopt” my wife, and that “she could not be bought,” or ‘bribed” and that she would not be his” ally” against me;  (He became her worst nightmare enemy!) – (Since he could not control or get his way with her; he plotted revenge, he turned on her!  (“HE ILLEGALLY RETALIATED AGAINST HER TOO!”)  He began making false reports to the courts and called my wife a “drug addict”, unfit mother”who sleeps in her car.” labeling many untruths about her.

HE DID THE SAME THING TO ME:  Since ron; did not get his way with me, he lied to all courts with lies about her and me, so nobody would believe her or me again and so we could not get our daughter back.





ron knew he was caught again: his plan failed and backfired:  he was now even more furious; he knew that if we got back together (we had “legal parental rights” to take her back.) so he devised another fraudulent plan, a fraudulent scheme, to ensure that did not happen. HE threatened “PRE-PLANNED”-“PRE-MEDIATED” ADOPTION FRAUD.






*(NOTE) Ron Walters intentionally “sabotaged” and caused the final separation between me and my wife. In 1993 we partially-became separated because of his illegal crimes. One year later, we got back together to try to restart our family, but Ron stepped in again, and then 5 years later in 1998.  “We got-back-together again” and “requested our daughter back.” (a third time) so we could resume our loving family and try again and Yet again: even though we were back together: (RON WALTERS REFUSED TO RETURN HER TO EITHER OF US.)


Ron Walters. used his lawsuit money to hire attorneys and “Gaslight” everyone, to pit them against me, and my daughters’ mom.  lying to each one of them, to my mom, aunts, uncles, grandparents, half-brother sister, my family, my mom, my daughters.   





(child harvesting / due to reproductive problems.)

why would ron do all of this?  because: nobody liked ron, except the disabled, elderly, mentally challenged, and kids. Everyone else saw through his lies.  ron already had (4) children (two) were old enough to know he was not a good person. So he wanted more children to abuse, for “tax reasons.” to take care of him, etc. (he realized, he made a big mistake, by getting his testicles cut) he could not have any more kids. Not only that but his own kids were all fat and unhealthy.

*out of jealousy, ron had his, and my mom’s tubes tied. why? so, my mom could not be valuable to anyone else, and so he could rent pornos (from “one stop video store” in Reedley, California) (owner Lee Fino.)  and he could look at his ****gigantic playboy magazine “subscription” from playboy magazine collection and not get my mom pregnant. Ron was a pervert; he had lots of sex. he didn’t like using condoms then in the same breath, swore he never did anything like that.

Ron and my mom had been considering “adopting a child,” but did not have the money for it.   When the opportunity to get a “free child,” came up. “Ron immediately jumped on it!”  he immediately set out to kidnap my daughter Kaitlyn.  He knew that with all the abuse he had done to me, and the set-ups he had created, there would be no way I could withstand his torment again, and corruption. he knew that he could control and force me into giving her to him!  (If I didn’t- he would try to have me arrested) by making up lies!  – (which he did try to do!)

”child harvesting” is associated with some markets. one of the reasons people do this,  is the costs of “assisted reproductive technology such as “in vitro fertilization.” another factor cited is thedifficulties in adoption”. these difficulties include its acceptance, its legality.[22] and its administrative difficulty.[26]

Growing up: he used the “divide & conquer” technique on me, my half-brother and sister: He brainwashed, programmed and groomed kids: my sister was “miss piggy” or “pig.”  My brother was “fat-ass.”  My daughter was called a “boy.” or other unmentionable names. She always contested him and told them “She was a girl” but he insisted on telling her she was a boy and telling lies about her to my mom, or other family.

 we were all individually separated and cornered by him at different times, victimized and each told a different lie. When I left home, they each grew up hating each other. (via) (brainwashing) (gas lighting). he destroyed our family, our marriage: he stole our daughter and now refused to give her back.

from Colorado, I called multiple “police welfare checks” on him, and I “filed for visitation” (multiple times each time, that infuriated him because he could not control me and. because he was one step closer to being caught. 

ron was older and more mature: he was a fully grown adult, he used his wisdom, lawsuit money, power and attorneys to control / destroy me and my family and to take me, and my wife away from our daughter and to make us look like bad people when we were not.  We were just kids trying to make a life and have a family.

as a result of being naive teenagers, we had to succumb to this grown-up man’s psychopathic worldly desires to steal our daughter and so that he could “gas light” us against each other.

  1. He would tell me how bad her mother was,
  2. then tell her mother, how bad I was.
  3. then, he would tell our daughter how bad we both were
  1. any person he got ahold of and was able to manipulate, he would try to” recruit” into his “cult” of lies, he would lie to them too about me, about my daughters’ mom. (Falsely making himself look like a hero when he was the cause of all the problems.)

as a result; our daughter grew up thinking we were both evil and bad people and trash. And then he individually set us up- (any chance that he got!)  He would try to add fuel to the fire to ensure we got in trouble for “anything and everything” humanely possible.  he would have anyone that he could manipulate, take his side and then take advantage of us and bear false witness against us, All to make us look bad., our daughter had no idea and still has no idea of what he did to her or what he had done to us or what he was doing to everyone. *The only thing she knows today in 2025, is that she grew up hating us. She does not know she was (brainwashed) (gas lighted) (groomed) to hate us and fed false information her whole life. (Until 2004) she did not even know she was our daughter! “I had to be the one to tell her she was my daughter.”) Ron refused to tell her!  –  That made him even more furious, in fact he even retaliated against me, wrote to the judge and filed a restraining order, for telling her the truth; (That she was my daughter!) and not my sister! He did not want anyone to know the truth!

(FYI) update* my daughters’ mom; that he maliciously lied to the courts about, (when he kidnapped our daughter.)  she fell “back under his control” because that was the only way to see her child. (The same with me, the only way I could see my daughter was to be under his control. 




(child harvesting #3)

Denver, Colorado- 1996; I had another family and child. Although this relationship had its own ending, as you may have guessed, it was around 2023- Ron interfered, sabotaged and destroyed that family too.  He did so by stalking my other daughter, contacting and GASLIGHTING her too.  (HE WAS TRYING TO GET THEM ON HIS SIDE TOO. HE WANTED TO MANIPULATE AND GET ANOTHER CHILD ON HIS SIDE.)

RON WAS SABATOJING AND RUINING EVERY CORNER OF MY LIFE.    He wanted to ensure that I never was able to see or talk to any of my children, because that would put holes in all of his stories, and they would figure out the real truth! He intentionally scared and put (FEAR IN THEM.), HE MADE HER SCARED OF ME (GAS LIGHTING HER (TELLING HER LIES ABOUT HER DAD.) He ensured that I would never be able to turn him in, and I was never able to see her, so he could have his way with her just like he did with all the others.

why? If I proved that I was normal. it would destroy his credibility, and he would face federal prison for ADOPTION FRAUD AND MANY OTHER THINGS.  Therefore, He continuously and intentionally destroyed everything I loved and that loved me.

Ron intentionally controlled everyone and everything around him with lies, blackmail setups, using courts and false reports to gain advantage and leverage over people. This trained professional lying con artist, (on all levels.)   




(Adoption fraud / forcing to sign contract under duress)

 Due to the catastrophic injuries that Ron Walters caused (via) “extreme-child-abuse” and “sexual-abuse,” I suffered many disabilities and brain damage; I was never able to fully-recover or consistently remain stable in life. I could not hold a steady job or relationship. Therefore: I was forced to move around. In 1996; Sadly, I became fresh from a bad-relationship, I was tormented, broken depressed and suffering in pain. I moved to Sacramento, California to be with my daughter’s mom and start our relationship over again; I needed her help badly and sadly that city was not a good place for a broken-hearted, disabled, disheveled, vulnerable person in my unhealthy condition.


Ron worked his way into our lives and then again In 1998; my daughters, mom decided to leave for a job opportunity in Anaheim, CA.  I was now isolated and stuck alone. Sacramento was full of: “dishonest people” and had one the “highest crime rates in California.” Sadly, being heartbroken and disabled (once)- again, (I was still an abused child,) THAT HAD NOT CHANGED!  I therefore: stood out in this city and as a proximate result of Rons damage, I was not prepared, and became severely victimized “multiple-times,” by “multiple-people.” Sadly, they illegally targeted me, “human-trafficked” me, placed or put me into situations that I got blamed for, or I would take the fall for. All things, I knew nothing about or did not do at all but was made to look like I did.  I did file reports with the Sacramento FBI Office, but they did not take me seriously; As a result, I was victimized to an extreme point and placed into a jail by these dishonest people.


{RON IS AN OPPORTUNIST; he immediately GRABBED THAT JAIL OPPORTUNITY. (Knowing that it was his fault) because he is the one who planned the brain damage, and caused me brain damage and made me disabled and naïve, by his abuse and torture, he knew what was going to happen to me, he knew that he owned and controlled me: and when this happened, ron knew exactly what he was doing

After I left home, he made it a point to monitor and take advantage of every situation that came up in my life, that could benefit him. He knew I was a vulnerable person, and he used every inch of his power, authority, and money to force me into situation after situation, and then another “adoption situation” (just as he did to me before!) only this time instead of stealing me… he was stealing my daughter!


He knew I would not sign those: “adoption-papers of myself or my own child over to him,” because he had beat and sexually abused me my entire life. So he resorted to threatening me, just to adopt me, in the (1980s) then he threatened me again, to steal my daughter in (1993) and now here he was threatening me again in (1998) to officially sign over my daughter to him. Ron intentionally waited for this catastrophic opportunity to hurt me, while I was being victimized, bey others, while I was scared, alone, isolated, at my most vulnerable and weakest moment, when I was crying to my mom and him for help; * he promised to SEND ME MONEY, TO HELP ME, IF I DID SIGN!  (phone calls recorded on Sacramento jail phones.)- (209)638-9712 -phone number? again, Ron Walters had his way with me.




(false reports / lying to police/ fraud on the court / false incarceration)

(2003)- Redding, California- I was “legally disabled,” and under several doctor’s care; when a (25-year-old) “mentally disabled” girl, named Julie Ralston and her (three-friends) somehow “kidnapped,” “befriended,” and “raped me,” while I was on doctors care and “narcotic prescriptions.” As a result, she threatened me, lied and said that: “If I ever left her- she’d make my life a living hell.”  (she did just that) she lied to everyone; telling them that: “she said no to making love on the night we broke up.”  When the police did an investigation looking for me, (they initially claimed they did not believe her.)

When they called my mom’s house in Visalia, California; (to talk to me,) My mom told them: “She did not know my phone number or where I was” But she had my aunt call me and tell me they wanted to talk to me: (However) Ron grabbed the phone from her and  the opportunity to “GAS LIGHT ME,” He lied to the police officer, how bad of a person I was;  stating; “I fled” and “ran away” and was “hiding” in los Angeles. (*Note) I was enrolled in college and working at that time. so, the fact he said: “I fled” proves that he was INTENTIONALLY MANIPULTING THE INVESTIGATION TO HIS FAVOR!


As a direct result of his lies to the peace officers, courts, judges, cities, states, government officials and agents, they falsely arrested me (using Ron and his lies as a primary witness.) During court hearing, based on Rons action sand lies alone; They falsely sent me to prison “innocently” and made me a sex offender; (knowing I was the actual victim.)

(In total) Ron caused me (3 felonies) and (3 misdemeanor’s) in my life; and by causing or filing false reports these lies damaged my reputation, ability to work and my destroyed me, my families and children’s entire lives and caused me and my children to be injured and me to be on the (s/o list) (when I was the victim.) Ron lied to everyone, making them believe, I was the bad guy, when- he was the bad guy, the entire time.

As of 2022, and even today in 2025, I am still trapped in Rons web of lies. (Which includes) being “trapped” in the state of Mississippi (against my will.) All because of Rons lies, and just the like Sacramento, California arrests. (because of that state’s own corruption problems) (Mississippi officers also manipulated the system) to benefit their own agendas, using Rons lies an excuse and as leverage to control me too- (with their own lies). As a result, I was forced to be on the s/o in Mississippi.



(ron walters cyber stalking, cyber bullying, cyber harassment)

Ron is still doing this today, I have not seen him since 2004, However, by direct orders, request or manipulation; He -himself is doing or is causing other people to stalk, cyber stalk, cyber bully, spread rumors, sabotage, contact me, my employers, children, friends, and family instructing them to not like, love care, show compassion or have any feelings  or emotions for me at all whatsoever To not hire and / or to fire me, and to ensure that I cannot earn a living for myself. He publishes or causes to be published false online lies and notices. He scares the public and causes panic in the public, so they know where I live and send them to attack me.  Attempting to create a hate crime, or to insinuate they should create hate crimes and riot against me. He creates fake watchdog groups and has them all, send fake or false complaints against me.



(Inheritance theft)

Ron was married to my mother for over 30 years, (1980s to 2006.) most people take years of decades to remarry, he “re-married” immediately her death, – (6 months later.) Giving his new wife all my mom’s possessions.  (If I brought up any desire or claim), he would get angry and start spreading rumors. I did not even get a picture of my mom. (Rons new wife and my half-sister, and daughter (that he stole), got everything including all financials.)

Additionally, he threw away all my documents, and baby pictures and records of me as a child that my mom had kept, her whole life. (everyone knew about them) and “everyone was jealous” because, she was more detailed with my very elaborate baby book, records and photos than she was with anyone else.





In 2004, I filed for visitation and for the safety of my daughter with the court in Visalia, California.  (FYI) update* my daughters’ mom; that he maliciously lied to the courts about, (when he kidnapped our daughter.)  she fell “back under his control” because that was the only way to see her child. (The same with me, the only way I could see my daughter was to be under his control. 



Porno videos,

Playboy Magazine,

Illegal guns

Hand guns,

Assault rifles,

Armor piercing bullets,

Uzi- sub machine gun,

Glock 9mm

Fully automatic machine guns.

Police Scanners,

illegally “spying”  “Digital Spying” / recording people with recording devices, 

Dildos, Plastic Pickles,

Sex Lube,

Renting Pornos

Renting Horror / Murder movies

With his police scanner He chased car accidents and ambulances to see injured or dead people

Wearing extremely excentric horror and scary costumes

Hiding from people and jumping out at the, to scare them

He love to make people fear him and jump.

Walking around the house (ONLY IN UNDERWEAR)

Leaving Underwear, bras and panties on living room floor every single night with pornos playing.

Smoking cigarettes. 

Beating his first wife carol, (Physically and verbally)

Beating his second wife Kathy, (Physically and Mentally)

Beating his Children (physically and verbally) Mike, Lisa, Danielle, Ronnie Jr,  (they mostly got verbal abuse) 

Beating his (Step-Son) Anthony got the (worst physical abuse) (because he was a step-son)

Defrauding the state of taxes (Tax Evasion)

Adoption Fraud,

Lying to Authorties, Police, Courts, Judges, Sheriffs, Investigators, and county officials.

Adoption Fraud,

Revenge, Retaliation (Illegal use of the court system)

In 2004 he was on entire tacklebox of drugs narcotics, pain killers and other. He was not in his right mind and neither was my mom. She was on medications and had chronic insomnia.

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