About Prince

Prince  refused “multiple-offers” in America to work for government.  /  However, he did not refuse to help the people in those city’s/ states (see referral letters) 


Prince is Educated with a total of 15 schools under his belt. He became successful from birth. (Leading with very natural excelled intelligence.) By age (17) He had already attracted “Billion dollar employers.” At (18) years, he was the subject of several story’s and began working for newspapers and radio. As of 2020, (like his family) Prince etched his way into immortalization via world history.

*World History*
As a teenager,  he became the youngest: “off-the-record”-baseball-executive,”   effectively- (making him the youngest-baseball-executive of Major League  and Colorado Rockies Baseball History in 1992.  At (19) years old, he was employed by the worlds newest baseball expansion team (The Colorado Rockies) at (MILE HIGH STADIUM)  His titles included: Executive-Assistant to: Director-of-security, Billionaire team owners-Jerry Mcmorris & Peter Coors (Both of them) “blessed him” with “additional responsibilities.” When, after they realized he was good at everything! They then commissioned  him to (hire) over 500 -crew, cast, security-team members & players- (Including C.I.A, & F.B.I who were undercover.) (Prince was effectively there boss!)

The Prince was a genuine nice guy, and force of nature.  He was literally driving the entire baseball operation side of the team, and wearing about 30 different hats by himself. He was requested to fill almost every “vacant position” for the “stadium and operations” side of the team, until they found someone. Later, He was ordered to assist the: “Stadium Manager” and be the official “Team Liaison.” (running errands for everyone.)  That list Included: Ted Turner, Jane Fonda, Harry Caray, John Elway, Coach Don Baylor, President-George Bush Sr. and more.

When Jerry Mcmorris; “cut and downsized” the team. Simultaneously;  Prince’- “Corporate Downsizing” occurred too. The young Prince, then moved on to: Publishing, Advertising, Corporate America, Public Relations, Real Estate, Property Management and Executive-Management. Taking those billion dollar training experiences, He began entertainment and building his own brand; under the: “pseudonym-name” / “stage name” of: Prince Jordan Tyson. (See I.M.D.B) Film credits. From there he began adding “High Profile,” “High Net-Worth,” Clients & Entertainment Companies to his resume. Even standing at the “Televised-Podium” while singer; Claudette Robinson was inducted into Los Angeles / World History as: “First lady of Motown.” (2017) (see video)

Prince hails from the most senior royal “family(s) lines.” They are of the (European- Jewish) “core” members families, and all of all the combined “most trusted families” in the world! Additionally he hails from, the  “core” “Great-Grandson” lines of King David, Henry I, King Henry II, King Henry III, King Rollo, King William the Conqueror & Great Nephews of Queen Elizabeth 1, King Henry 7th and King Henry 8th.  Oh and did we mention, that Pharoah Ramesis II and Moses are among some of  his families great grandparents lines as well? 

With all of those super famous people in these sparkling families lines, Your probably wondering if “God or Jesus” had something to do with this right? and if they are in Prince family tree too (lol).  The Answer is: (Yes and No!) – No! His family “ARE NOT” the “Prominent, immediate, family” of God and Jesus. That family is still living in Isreal!  but, at the same time: Yes!  (If) all this is true; (which it certainly appears to be) through the (European-Jewish line listed above) that would “legally” make Jesus one of his families great-cousins and GOD one of their Great-Uncles! 

Prince Jordans- “More recent” and “present day” celebrity family members include another very important person, even easier to verify is his “Immediate” – “Immigrant” Grandpa (MSGR) Henry Keane  (Dioces-of-Los-Angeles and-San-Diego) whom was born in Dublin, Ireland. Want another more immediate and more present day celebrity family member?  ok how bout…American – other immediate Grandpas were: “WAR HEROS”  “Silver Star” for wartime valor: (US Marine) Doug Littlefield  (or) how about “Navy Cross benefactor/ recipient” – (US NAVY MAN)- GENE ALDRICH and (Uncle) TONY PASTULA, (see medal here) (Both) stars of book: “The Raft,” By Author (Robert Trumbull) and subjects of the (2016) Hollywood Feature film: “Against The Sun.” [In the year-1945],” Gene and Tony were Inducted into The “Naval Aviation Historical Museum” in Florida.

Other distant notables: “Multiple” -Presidents of: U.S and Senator / Vice President: NELSON ALDRICH, even distant cousin: (C.I.A) Director: ALLEN DULLES etc.

Real name

What is Prince Jordans real name?

  • Anthony Davis Aldrich  (born  July 08, 1973) is an American media personality, businessman, socialite, model, and entertainer. Born in San Diego, California, raised there and in Beverly Hills, California, he is a great-grandson of: King Thomas Stanley, (Lord Edmund Crouchback)  -to whom, he is one of  only 8000 descendants in the world.) King Henry III, King David, Moses and Pharoah Rameses II.


Stage name


Why does he go by the stage name of: “Prince Jordan Tyson”? 

Many people asked; what is the reason? why does he use the name “Prince” ?  Answer: because it rings true, to a “possible” title of his. The last name “Tyson” was chosen after one of his Hollywood entertainment teachers: “Richard Tyson.”  (who’s brother John Tyson was the district attorney / prominent politician in Alabama.) “Richard and Prince” met while working together on the set of a Christian film entitled: “The Visitation” produced by: “Christian Cinema in 2004. ” The name “Jordan,” naturally reflects his: “Israel / Jewish / Egyptian” heritage. 



90% of Hollywood Entertainers do not “REGISTER” their stage names. Prince has legally “REGISTERED” all of his business names and “stage names”  since inception; within California, Colorado and Los Angeles County Clerks office as a DBA. – Proving: even when people are not looking, he does what is right.


oh one more thing. Since one of his grandpas was: “CIA” (he has personal knowledge) the NSA, video records “everything” “everywhere on the planet” (24/7 365) and have been “tracking” (his family and him since 1973,) due to his government and “CIA” family ties.  Obviously, being armed with these facts:  don’t you think, it would be pretty stupid for prince to break the law?  especially working with and around so many high profile, political and pastoral figures all  his life?  The (NSA) (recordings) “eye in the sky”  will back up what he does and says.  (link) contact them to ask questions…


Fruit basket of the world.

Oceanic life: (Water and Fruit!)  aside from being born on the Oceans and Beaches of San Diego, California. He was “partially raised” inside the very center of  of the “worlds fruit basket” (aka) Reedley, California. It is called that because: (70% of Americas fruit is grown there) Prince played, ate, drank, picked, worked in all of the fruit industries, until moving to: “Mendocino” an exclusive, tiny coastal town in Northern, California. just 30 miles from: “Willits,” where; sea-biscuit, the racing horse was; retired and buried.) 

The Rockafellers and Aldrich Family Tree

Prince legal birth name: Anthony D. Aldrich. –  His (Paternal) family line:

Rockafeller’s Family (via) his great grandpa- Charles Avery Aldrich


also in that family tree are:

*Alice Aldrich– Marilyn Monroe’s Grandmother

*Nelson AldrichVice President of the United States and Governor of Rhode Island

*Abigail Aldrich as in – John D. Rockafeller’s wife and kids (Abigail ALDRICH)

* Winthrop Aldrich

* Robert Aldrich –  Hollywood Movie director and studio owner – was: “Aldrich studios” -now called “Occidental studios.”



The Celebrity Grandparents that helped raise him: Gene Aldrich star of the Book ” The Raft” by Robert Trumbull and Star of The Movie “Against the Sun.”

Gene Aldrich married Prince Jordans (Immigrant Grandma Francis Pastula.) Her brother was also a hero in that book, Known as: Prince Jordans (Uncle Tony Pastula) are both in the National Naval Aviation Historical Museum display monument since 1945

Also the Aldrich family have 15 generations of Mayors in Yorkshire England and other areas. – * (via) (Prince grandpa and 3rd uncle)(Charles Avery Aldrich.)



Then on his mothers family this family is crazy famous, and lined with gold in every direction.  beginning with the “De-Cliffords”  now shortened to:  “Clifford.”  As in “BARRON DE- Clifford”. (King Rollo) and (William the Conqueror -Norman De- Clifford.) 

but fast forward to his grandmother Lois Keane. She married Henry Keane an Immigrant from Dublin, Ireland 





How does being a child of an immigrant affect you?
YES THESE FAMILIES ARE NAIVE AND VUNERABLE, !!!!!!! and To be the child of an immigrant means growing up faster. To be the child of an immigrant means taking responsibility for your family. To be the child of an immigrant is to carry the hopes and dreams of your lineage. The pressure that children of immigrants face is high, and the mental health support is low. see link

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