Lowell Walters

Prince Jordan’s “step-grandfather,” and “later  became; “legally-adopted-grandfather,” spent more time with Prince, than any other father figure, in Prince Jordan’s life. (or at least his time meant more to Prince.)   Lowell Walters; was the (CIA), Grandpa!  He was hired (via) the US Army in the 1960s. The basis of his employment is: Classified” (Presidential Teams). Yes, a (CIA agent) helped raise Prince since he was 9 years old.  Lowell (a real “mans-man”) was also a Reedley, California Police Sargent. (It s hould be noted!!!) “Lowell did not approve of , nor did he even trust his own son (RW) raising Prince. – “Quote / End Quote”  and here is one of the reasons why. (click here)

Want more proof? (NOBODY ELSE IN LOWELS ENTIRE FAMILY EVER KNEW LOWELL WAS CIA,) (PRINCE WAS  THE ONE TO TELL THEM)  20 YEARS LATER) AFTER IT WAS SAFE. Why because having a CIA Grandpa is Pretty cool!  and Prince thought they should know. Thats why!

Being raised by his CIA grandfather was not  Prince first encounter with the “CIA,” as he later he went on to  launch and work side by side with the FBI, “Secret Service,” and “NSA” in (1992-1993.) He was (partially) put in charge of hiring (their teams), to work and protect the worlds newest Major League Baseball team – “security team!”  Obviously security had to be at an all time un-precidented high during this new baseball team launch. Prince was the “off the record” “youngest-executive” hired by:  (1.) Jerry Mcmorris- owner of Colorado Rockies  (2.) Andy Frain Services, Chicago, Illinois. (3.) (Prince bosses:) Scott and Tara Bowman. (4.) (Their boss) (Mark) “Director of Security” (Sports and Entertainment Division.)

Sadly, since this was the Colorado Rockies. The worlds  “brand newest team,” and nobody was in place to work or fill any of the vacant jobs or positions  (The owner Jerry Mcmorris, himself) (recruited Prince from Andy Frain) “to help assist him,” to fill all those vacant jobs. (5.) As did the Mile High Stadium Management itself.  Prince was  only a teenager, but one of the most important persons in the stadium. he had keys to the entire major league baseball stadium and management offices, he managed al the security, ticket takers ushers and the entire stadium.  He was  in fact (at that time) The first and youngest “Official” but “Un-official” executive-assistant” in Colorado-Rockies history and (Baseball History.) He later went on to work at and help launch the (D.I.A) “Denver International Airport.” once again breaking new grounds with security levels at their maximum.

Other secret service, cia, fbi, persons in his life? YES MANY! Prince Jordans childhood hometown is: The sparkling beaches of: San Diego, California,. but, he was also raised in:  Reedley, California. (AKA) the  “Fruit Basket of the World! (where 70 % of the worlds fruit is grown. )Yes, that is the main reason, why there are secret agencies there.)  It is the same place where he and his pure Hearted” “CIA,”  Grandpa (Lowell Walters) lived. Prince also dated an (F.B.I) Agents daughter (Unnamed-Underwood.)  From all of the above sources:  he managed to learn a few things.  One of them- being personal knowledge the N.S,A “video-records” anything and everything, everywhere at all times on the planet- (24/7-365.)  Additionally: The CIA / NSA / Pentagon’  have been “tracking Prince” and  his family, due to his high profile and Celebrity- family(s), CIA  family ties and (sadly) due to other things they did to Prince.-  (VIA) MK ULTRA. 

Armed with all of that knowledge: It would be ignorant to think, prince would practice in any “gray area” of the law.  Much like they do for Major celebrities, The additional (N.S.A) “eye in the sky” on him / his Military, Federal, CIA family, (his entire life) has recorded everything he has ever said and done. (Now think about that one!) 

Sadly, the (N.S.A) (C.I.A) (F.B.I) (Pentagon) may not protect him fully, or (at all for that matter) as they are not allowed to interfere, (even though they very much do)- but we can promise, some ill-intended, certain people can “smile for the camera”  and will be held accountable for wrong doings to prince.  He on the other hand, has nothing to hide and never has. Feel free to call the N.S.A, or to request his videos. or just ask them “to confirm, whether or not he is liable of any specific thing.” We guarantee that you will be very surprised.  (if) they are willing talk (that is.) The Secret agencies. may not give you a video, but try asking them for a conformation on whether or not Prince is liable for anything.

301-688-6311 or 1 (844) ICHIRES 

Additionally, In Regards: to His European, Presidential and Royal “family(s) lines.”  

Do you think they just sat around and ate and drank all day?  NO! They did not! These families are from a very skillful corruption  eliminating family. – (In fact, the best in the world.)

Other notables In Prince family

(CIA) Director Allan Dulles is one of  PJTs “distant” cousins.

He was hired right off street. the only Director  had that much intelligence to become Director of the CIA, without training,

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