Disclaimer Health 2

Physical and Mental Health

We would love to start this disclaimer off on a positive note, but sadly there has been a lot of turmoil in Prince Jordans life that nobody seems to be aware of.  You see, since the year of 2017; Prince Jordan; One of Hollywood’s underground “B List” sweethearts,  who actually spent more time with “A-Listers” than “B listers,” (Just ask around in Beverly Hills and Bel-Air circles)  You are sure to find someone who has at least heard of the Prince Jordan Tyson name.  

But, as much as wed love to say this is a happy story, it has not been and here is why. Prince is not a big person on seeking attention when he is sick,. So therefore he  has quietly been by himself, suffering, battling severe “accident” related pain and health problems.  You see- between,  the years of (2018  to 2022) he had multiple “life-threatening” and multiple- “life-altering” “major-Surgeries.” Including- “spine and back surgeries.” He was diagnosed disabled “multiple-times,” by his doctors, and has been in extremely-poor-health, ever since.  (both) “mentally and physically.”

No this is not a feel sorry for him story, but in all honesty,  you  really should. (if you are human that is.) 


Catastrophic Injuries

The injuries, we are speaking about, are from a car accident, a slip and fall accident  and being beat up and physically and violently  assaulted and attacked by (5) African American males, in (2017 to 2022.) 

All of that left him; Very fragile, very Vulnerable, Susceptible, Naive, Cold, Helpless, Homeless/ Hopeless / Poor / Broke / No Money, physically and mentally disabled. 


Before all that happened, Prince, was the limelight, in several places throughout Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Bel Air. But, when tragedy struck, due to surgeries, illness and being sick, he slowly disappeared from those circles, in 2018. 

It did not take long after his first spine surgery, that he soon realized he had been lied to by (both) surgeons and attorneys. He  was now in over his head in financial trouble.  Not usually one to ask for help,  he swallowed his pride {IF any there were} and did ask several friends, associates and other.  He “quietly” began to reach out for help. (He  “quietly” begged and cried for help) from any person or from anyone or everyone who could possibly help. Sadly, those cries went unanswered. No charity’s or magical million dollar bills found him at all. 

Instead, what he got was this: As a direct result of no work, no money,  his “catastrophic damages” and injuries of:  (2017 to 2022)  became more “life-threating.”  They each had very serious side effects,  (all or which took a major toll on his fragile frame. For a short time they left him “partially-paralyzed,” and “partially”-“psychically-and- mentally-disabled!”

During these years, of (2017, 2022)  Prince was unable to work; unable to care or support himself,  he became “officially homeless,” “extremely vulnerable,” “naïve” and “very susceptible,” to artful and designing persons. (whom did stalk, find and victimize him.

(However,) never one to give up, Prince spent nearly every day- for  those years, at all (30) of his doctors, and physical therapists. (Taking multiple, medications) literally climbing hills, while struggling and suffering in excruciating pain, each and every step, each day and every night, all by himself. Despite his (homelessness) the freezing cold, being fatigued, tired, exhausted, and hungry the entire time.

Luckily, with the help of: walkers,  breathers, casts, slings and canes,  he regained “some use” of  his limbs and spine. Then sadly, just as he was slowly beginning to regain use of his faculty’s and extremities 

“June 2022” happened.  He was “Toxic-Poisoned!” Now, he became more ill,  was slammed and forced to deal with the deadly combinations of  all these ailments and poisons, all over again. (Each breaking him down, more than ever before.) The “Botulism and E.coli  Now constantly taking over, and pounding his head, neck, shoulders and body with toxic-death.” Once again, he  became  hospitalized  (August 2022.)

Once out of the Emergency Room, in August, 2022,  it was no less than (12-very-short-days-later)-in September-2022,-another “catastrophic event” occurred to him. This time: (injuring him beyond all reason and belief.)  

It was while he was on a “un-conscious” drive to Alabama. Yes, you heard that correct. Although not “un-conscious” as in asleep, but “un-conscious” as in: “BEING DRUGGED” AND “POISONED” “un-conscious.”  “Fatigued and tired unconscious,” “sick and ill  unconscious,” and just had multiple-surgeries “un-conscious.”  (It was on that trip,) (he became victimized yet again.)

Now it is 2024. A year and a half later, he is currently still in that same situation, “unable-to-move-or-get home to recover,” from those monumental and catastrophic injuries and damages and / or all of the subsequent related damages. 

Yes, he is still all alone (2000 miles away) from his California or Colorado home.) 2000 miles away from his healthy family, sunshine, healthy weather, healthy friends, and “pure-ocean”- “forest-oxygen-air,” that he literally grew up on!!! (which is much needed for recovery.) He now also has no emotional support circles, teams, friends, family or doctors that he “heavily relied upon” (every day) for the last 5 years,-  to assist and help him through to getting his health back.


Help From- Charities / Foundations  / 501 C3’s

Even as recent as 2024, he has attempted to reach out to persons with charities, for help, (multiple-times) (None of them) have responded at all.  

But as Prince says: ” ive done this whole journey since 2017 by myself, “i guess it, was never meant for me.”

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