1990 Fort Bragg, California High School
(Population 6,000 people)
Preaching / Leading by example
Fort Bragg California: (Even in high school)- prince was an forward thinking, classy, refined, gentleman. providing mountains of: “inspiration, friendship, kindness, respect, love and compassion” to everyone. – (click or see below- Yearbook quotes.)
(Quote #1.) “I hope you live to be 200 and I live to be 200 minus 1 day, so I never have to see beautiful people like you die!” (Quote #2.)“DONT BE AFRAID TO BE DIFFERENT, YOU WILL FIND THAT PEOPLE WILL LIKE YOU A LOT MORE!”
“Prince and Petra” (1992) Capitol Hill- Denver, Colorado
(2014) (High school friends.) Heather Westcott and Prince Jordan. (Both) born into “church / pastoral families.” She is an (P.K.) (preachers kid) and he is a (P.G.K ) (preachers grandkid) Photo taken at Noyo Harbor- Fort Bragg,