Idols / Idoltry

This is the example of idoltry from the bible. “The Golden fatted calf.” Moses followers “mockingly”  made this, when Moses took to long to come down from the mountain top.  They said: here is your God, worship him. (THAT WAS TO MOCK AND MAKE FUN OF MOSES AND GOD!) 

In Contrast: Here is famed televangelist Kenneth Copeland, who once said:

 “When my 20 million dollar plane “takes off” and it “lands,” “It is preaching the power of God, and what it can do, and does for people.” 

(and he is right, it does!)  It is a huge advertisement for the Church.

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Prince does not have a plane, in fact he barely has a running car.  He is not a Pastor, or Preacher and he never claimed to be one, But, when he makes a website that showcases all of the FAMILY EVENTS that he has taken part in and all of the FAMILY shows he has taken part of. and when he posts pictures from those FAMILY shows, Why would anyone think that is idolatry?

Think about this: Do you like Walt Disney? Disney land? Disney Pictures? Disney Movies? Who are the actors or actress? Singers and dancers?

So if you ever watch Television? or ever look at Photographs? How can you become so biased? You say others are worshipping others as  idols, (as you, yourself) sit there and watch TV??? You Look at Photos and You even post your own photos online. So why the  big difference?  But, if Prince or Pastor Kenneth Copeland does it? Why is it idoltry?  Additionally; There are millions upon millions of photographs of Elvis Presley. Maybe those come down?  The reason they do not?  Is they are artwork. You have a choice to appreciate it or not. If you don’t agree or don’t like it, then you move on to another photo or website. it really is that easy.

Prince is from the very Christian  / religious, Senior line family line. His motives, are always pure and innocent. 

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