Youth Disabilities

Prince was born into a military celebrity family, and when he was only seven years old, got diagnosed with: “A.D.H.D,”- (Not a bad thing) even Einstein had (A.D.H.D). As long you can control it, you are good.   He was put on the medication “ritlin” for a while, but his mother took him off of it, due to making him lethargic. She said: “she would rather, have a happy energetic child.”  Today he still has some of those elements, but does not allow them a dominant residence within him. With persistent “focus” /”refocusing” you can beat it.” (Yes) Perhaps it makes him a bit naive and vulnerable as he cannot fully pay attention to everything (all the time) or  fully read contracts etc… but just as every other person , he finds a way to cope with it.


Oh, and In case you cannot tell, he also has a rare form of (O.C.D) “Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder.” -“Perfectionism!” What is different about that combination? The A.D.H.D pulls him away, the O.C.D pulls him back to it! Therefore his mind is constantly “engaging / disengaging” sometimes- “faster than the speed of light!” (24/7- 365) Yes, that means racing thoughts, but  in a good way. Think of its as having a supercharged V-10 engine. But much like and extremelllllly sensitive high end super luxury car,  in each and every way. Sadly the downfall is: any little speed bump, can throw him off , IE Exhaustion, No Sleep, Depression, being sick. etc…then he needs to refocus. But once everything is going good and perfect in his life, and he is fully up and running, he is better than any dream sports car you can imagine.


(Way too much on his plate)

He does not now, nor has he ever needed any type of corrections or distractions. He has never broke the law, (and/or) if he did; It was (un-intentionally.) Nor, has he ever done anything wrong. He has always had “way too much on his plate: with his own struggles, and (internal struggles) to even think about anything else, or breaking the law. 


He has wayyyyy more challenges than you do

Prince has (100 times more internal and external challenges than most people will ever have.) (IE: constantly focusing and re-focusing etc.) and being victimized by damn near everyone on the planet.

additionally: -{Imagine being one of the cutest, sweetest things on the planet and being disabled at the same time?} What do think is going to happen?


Targeted for Experiments:

Due to the “celebrity-status” of his military-family- in the 1940s and 1950s,  the Aldrich family, (his dads family) caught the attention of the pentagon and CIA. Especially when a huge monument was dedicated to them at the: “National Aviation Historical Museum.” It was not long after those “world-wide events,” that his family became: “violently-targeted” by: The CIA / Project MK ULTRA.  Yes, at that time they were in fact using, and did use their own “military” and “military-families” as experiments.(without them knowing it.) they were also, experimenting on what is now known as the: “Super-Soldier-Program.”


Sadly, by eight years old- his “high-school,-sweetheart;” parents- divorced, (and due to being abused herself) and being taken advantage of by her Boss, The young Prince mother remarried, her (employment-boss,) whom was a hid the facts that he was already divorced, due to his own violence towards his 1st wife. This very-abusive 6’4 (300 pound man). (is also believed to be a  part of the MK ULTRA-CIA program. -(*NOTE) His father was CIA!

It may have also been through his own enlistment in the military, that Project MK Ultra found him too.  It was that man (via) MK ULTRA, that caused Prince even more “brain-damage,” including effects similar to: “SIDS.” (His / their)  favorite was: “punching Prince in the brain and head.” While he was just a 8 year old  (baby / child.) and doing other unmentionable things untill he was 17.  All of that damage, did have an long lasting effect. 

Prince did have the man arrested for it once. However, much pain he was in, Even though he was fighting for his life mentally, Prince did succesfully punch through the injuries, damages and fog, to make his own way through elementary, Jr High and High School, even  with those “physical and mental,” damages. (It did take him seven years to graduate) and he was in Special Education classes, as a result of the injuries, but nevertheless he graduated.(Prince its all about being positive) He was determined to live.


Slip / Fall

In the year of: (2018) Prince had an (slip/ fall) accident that broke his spine, back, in Beverly Hills, California.  That accident created a no win situation that was not recoverable-(thus far.)  Prince, heavily relied and became dependent upon anyone and everyone, even (complete-strangers) for help. He was all alone at home, not one single dime to his name.  He was on walkers, crutches, breathing apparatus, slings, braces, medications etc…Cedar Sinai Hospital, Emergency Room in Beverly Hills, knew him by first name. 

During that time; Prince was forced to become homeless. Sadly, Instead of enjoying his youth, vibrance, and life, he was now fighting the fight of his life, again, due to these new catastrophic injuries, and now being physically and mentally-handicapped. Despite all of that, he fought for his life- every day to make a comeback. 

Finally eight months later, (after the spinal cord surgery) success had slowly began to find him. Then as quickly as it came, his world was rocked again, it was all taken away.  


November 2019, (days before thanksgiving) he was sad, depressed, that he was all alone, and could not afford to go home to his family in Colorado, for Thanksgiving.   When he was violently “attacked and assaulted,”- peacefully-walking-down-Hollywood, Boulevard, in Hollywood, California. The five (cowardly) “african-american” assailants, broke his, shoulder, collar bone, neck? and ribs.  They also, broke something else, what little mental capacities; he had left, (as he was still homeless) weak, vulnerable, naive, and “fighting for his life.” These viscous-animals, now stole every ounce of the “hard-earned”- “healing-progress,” that he had made thus far. Once again: forcing  this poor homeless man, back into to the Hospitals, emergency rooms, to more doctors, physical therapy and more surgeries. (Therby keeping him from earning a living.) or supporting himself at all. Those catastrophic combinations of: stress, traumatic injuries, attacks, assaults, injuries and damages, left him, in a bottomless pit, very desolate, sad, poor- mental state. 


Lawsuit Settlement

Luckily, during the Covid- Pandemic, his Beverly Hills, broken back, settlement;  came through and he had a little money, (not alot,)- but it was enough to get a couple things that he needed. It was with that money, he left the Los Angeles area and went back home to where his uncle, father and step-mother lived in Colorado to buy a house. They would  prove invaluable.

With lots of effort, hard work, he was never one to give up. He always has a winning attitude, and once again- this champion began to make a come back.

After many discussions  and  approvals from his Uncle, who was also trying to help “save his life,” Prince bought a one-acre “vacant”-piece-of-land.  In a forest mountain- Million dollar home residential area. Next, he found a 3 bedroom, 2 bath double wide, “modular-home” and had it put on the land.  Sadly, this was  still during the covid pandemic, shut down, “stay at home” time. He could not rent an apartment or house anywhere, (they were all rented) Even though he just bought this home and land) it was not finished yet. Therefore he was forced to live under stressful conditions.  The  large brown 1,500 square foot $100,000 house was not the most beautiful thing, but he had plans to make it beautiful.

Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Prince Jordans: (Million-Dollar-Ski-Resort-house) located at: – (35360 Ramuda Trail, Oak Creek, Colorado.)  was more like a $100,000 forested cabin in the woods because, that is exactly what it was.  After all of that hoopla and “jumping through hoops,” meeting every ones requirements getting all permits paying all fees etc.  and After the Zoning Department lady, and everyone else, gave him the “green light”  She  and the city employees  ( She in particular) began to  realize; (1.) She made a mistake and was about to get fired. (2.) They had just let him buy a vacant lot (in their own neighborhood,)  and turn it into a “million-dollar-house .” (In the heart of their own employee safe-haven / dominated area of town.)  That was a huge insult and embarrassment for some of them.

As one of them said: “oops we missed this lot, we didn’t see the full potential of that lot, we did not know that it could become what you made it!” – They even offered to buy “just the land” from him with cash, to the tune of $25,000 which would be an  $8,000 Profit.

Too late: Prince already had his $100,000 house on the lot, he did not want to sell his home. He wanted to keep it. Therefore, he was dealt yet another dirty blow. This underhanded, dirty Good Ol boys club” town, (would not take no for an answer.) They illegally acted under the: “color of law.” (Just like the mafia) forcing him to meet with (yet another) “dishonest”- Government- city / county, worker. (Hiding behind,- using and abusing their badges of “Governmental-Immunity’s”  for “personal gain” and to get him out of that “Million-dollar-neighborhood” and to illegally forfeit his land and home that he just paid cash for.

(Click here) to see home values near his house (Over 1 million dollars)

Sadly, once Prince turned that lot from “nothing  to something” and into a Million-Dollar-Prime-Real-Estate spot, The Gold Rush fever began on that location. That immediately got everyone’s attention!  (The Good Ol’ Boys clubs started complaining, everyone started complaining) They began  a “witch hunt” to burn Prince at the steak, searching and inventing excuses and reasons to get him out of there.  (They didn’t necessarily want the house, but it was the lot that he transformed and bulldozed himself, that everyone now was desiring.) They dug far, wide and deep for anything to blackmail / coerce / manipulate / force him to leave with. But, Prince already had done his homework. He successfully deflected all of the “invisible darts” they were throwing at him and he won every round. 

Sadly, they resorted to being dirty, dirty and got even dirtier,  The zoning department lady that  “dishonestly” forced him to sell.  She did so by; “Illegal use of force” Blackmail, Threats, Threats of Harm, Enlisting and recruiting others to take part in her scheme.

This was also (During-covid “Moratorium” time) You know, when it was “actually illegal to kick anyone out of or off of their own property?” But regardless of the law, they did it anyway.  Knowing Prince was disabled, Knowing that he  was sick, vulnerable, susceptible, still recovering and that he had a very real “health-risk” of catching covid-19 and dying. (but they / she did not care) they were only interested in the Million-Dollar\-Homes, Neighborhood, Land, Property and  Money. Now that Prince was outnumbered, he was forced to sell and officially became broke, homeless  and suffering again – They had one this round.

(*NOTE) Take one guess who bought his house through trickery, and  manipulation?) Yes, one of their (city / county) affiliates. 


(*NOTE) Prince only had this one shot at saving his own life, and now it was all gone. The ship had sailed, it was over, he knew he was doomed.  It was due to these “Unqualified”  (Corrupt criminals with a badge). Hiding behind the words “Governmental-Immunity!”


Beverly Hills, California

Welp, as you can imagine: Prince was now back in Los Angeles California, – The dates were about December 2021.  Now do you remember? we said: he was at risk of catching Covid? (Well sadly it came true, he did in fact catch Covid.!)  He got so sick, that he fell, broke his neck? and did get a pretty bad a concussion. (ouch) Yet, another physical blow, to the head. That means (possible-brain-damage) and with yet another physical injury, he could not afford, Now again he was hospitalized and traumatized, X -10.

Toxic Poisons

Oh yes it gets worse, after several more months of Hospitals, doctors, medicines,  and surgeries. (and Yes even another surgery was scheduled for his broken  neck) and all his Doctors were making plans, then something unbelievable happened, in June 2022.  There was Yet- (another blow to the head.)  He got “Toxic-Poisoning,” by eating a “poisoned-sandwich” in Beverly Hills, California. full of”: deadly BOTCHULISM AND E.COLI” thereby causing him to become frantic, sick, paranoid, delusional etc.. 

(for no reason at all) he sold and gave everything away, including monies, truck, and his fifth wheel camper that he just bought. It got so bad, his Personal Injury -Attorney Meghan. had to save him, and his drug addicted cousin had to come rescue him.  (Sadly, his cousins habits did not work well in this scenario.)  (Prince was stranded again) and literally traumatized x-20.

He was unable to care for even himself again, so it was  back to Colorado, to be by his family:  uncle, dad and stepmom, where he became hospitalized, again. and this time he was diagnosed with “E.coli”,  “botulism” and a :pancreatic cyst,” on his pancreas,. (from the poisons.)


Only 7 years to live.

He was then dealt another blow, sadly informed that he only had “seven years to live.”  (at least that’s what he heard.)  due to “pancreatic-cancerous-cyst.”

Naturally, he did not take that last one too well, after all he the traumas he had just been through and now he was told he was dying in 7 years???

He panicked, freaked out, contacted his other cousin in Alabama, who said it was ok to come to Alabama, on September 3rd 2022, (without planning, preparation or thinking) He drove to Alabama to die. 

Blown out Tires and nobody to help

Sadly, on the way there, he had: “three blown out tires,” on his RV, he was so far in the middle of nowhere that the (AAA) membership and tow trucks- “refused to come out to help him” (all three times.)  

Why would AAA  not help??

It was After-hours, too late at night, too far away, and the fact (AAA) only pays them $50 to show up. – Is what they all said!!!

After, driving an excruciating painful, and exhausting (5,000) miles, from Los Angeles, and 1,800 miles; just over this particular stretch-of-six-long.-days, and shelling out over $1,200 of his own money, for tire changes, repairs and purchases, and  $900 in gas;  he finally made it to Oneonta, Alabama, 

In Alabama, the date was now; September 8th 2022. (all verified by AAA, Calls, GPS cellphone Tracking, Highway Patrol Cameras, and EBT card receipts) along the way. 



With his  Alabama Cousin

Finally Prince felt safe (after six long days and 1,800 miles of exhaustive driving) while he was sick, thinking he was dying,.  Now, you would think it ends there right? That he is safe at home with his cousin that invited him? 

As it turns out, nothing could be further than the truth. Because this is where the real problems get even worse, strangely enough, he discovered that the cousin he just risked his life and drove 1,800 miles to see, has PTSD, military mental problems, and  is a very high ranking “Dirty South”- Free Mason- cult-member. As luck would also have it, the same night Prince got to Alabama, his other “Personal Injury Attorney” Kevin-Hanratty of Hanratty-Law-Firm (Las Vegas) called and warned Prince to  “turn back” immediately,  and get out the south.  additionally he ordered Prince to “get back home to California immediately,” to see doctors or he could die from the E-Coli and Botulism poisoning. 


(((PAUSE))) Even this writer needs a break to take all of this in..


Yeah, right about now:  That song  “IRONIC” from Alanis Morrisette,  seem to  be playing in the background. Prince, had just been through hell. and was fully exhausted. He had to rest. (scratch that) HE NEEDED TO REST! or he would die form illness and  exhaustion. and not necessarily in that order.



RV Breaking down again,

But, sadly since he was under “legal contract” with Kevin Hanratty Law firm, therefore,  he was obligated to honor his contractual agreement. and therefore needed  to leave within two days and, began his trip back home to Colorado (to check in, for another contract he had)  then it was off to California Doctors. (1.) to get his Colorado house back  (2.) to see his Los Angeles doctors. (3,) To Check-in with everybody. 

(However) As he was passing through Mississippi, his RV began to have the same exact problems, It had before he started this whole (5,000 mile trip). He had just paid $15,000 dollars to AATCO Transmission in Valley Village, California  to fix it,  but they did not do a very good job. 

As result it broke down, leaving him stranded somewhere in the middle of nowhere Mississippi. The Prince was now panicked, and he called everyone for help, the local police, sheriffs, and other.. That is where another tragedy occurred. (we will discuss later) leaving him even more devastated, distraught, dazed, confused, injured than ever before, As a result of those  particular injuries, his credit score dropped from 600 to below 500, he is still stuck there with  monumental damages.’


RV- breaks down in the Middle of nowhere.

See Rv Here – (2022- before he left Los Angeles, California)







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