Prince Jordans last name is: Aldrich.”  Yes, the Legendary “Aldrich” family, who married the Rockefellers and Rothchilds.  They are his distant cousins, including but not limited to:  (U.S. Vice-President.) Nelson Aldrich. (President of Chase Bank) Winthrop Aldrich ) and John D Rockefeller. “Therefore, all things considered, Prince can quite literally be entitled: The Real Opus 1.”  


PRINCE JORDAN TYSON (or) OPUS 1 FINANCIAL, is not affiliated (IN ANY WAY) with any groups, clubs or organizations claiming world or public-dominance. He is not part of any thing except Christianity. He is a Christian and so is anything and everything he owns or does. 


  (Opus means work or groups of works) His family were all very much important persons, he is the result of their works. 


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