Prince Jordan’s Mom.

(P.K) Kathleen and her "stepfather" (Monsignor)-Henry Keane of Dublin, Ireland. (her Grandmothers) of England and Ireland - (Right) Kathy & Lois Clifford. (Page Bottom ).

Most families have (One or Two) “very special people:” That are the glue, The matriarchs. They are the ones “most skilled” in “Keeping things organized” Keeping the entire family “bonded together.” These people have “True-Leadership-skills” and “True-Social-Skills.” They accept you  for you, no matter what people or rumors say.

Yes, these peoples traits and skills are (partially)  genetic. However, scientifically proven (for the most part) these skills are “taught”  the correct way.

Who is supposed to teach them? Obviously, your MOM and DAD.  (IF)  THEY;  paid attention, they were supposed to learn it from their parents and grandparents.


Because, the secrets to raising a successful family were literally given to ALL families, not just a few chosen ones. Sadly, not ALL people or families wanted to listen. As a result; their own entire family line suffered in the future because one person or persons refused to listen to the ancient teachings.

The good news is: Just in case you or your family did not get the handed down lessons, of how to succeed correctly. The original family who taught them are still right here and still very much together; after thousands of years. Additionally, they are still teaching. (just in case you missed them, you are learning from one of the distant family members right now, as you read this website.)

Now, Lets meet the beautiful “Lady’s, in the photo above.

Kathleen Rae Loftus, Littlefield, Clifford

and Her mother / Lois Loftus, Littlefield, Clifford.

These; (Tudor / Plantagenet) lady’s are descended of “Multiple-Kings and Queens.” which includes the (imperial) “Clifford” line. (*Note all persons with “Red Hair- this page.)  If they were trying to teach you something, right now, trust us you would pay attention and you would remember what they were saying. They both had a “very special way: of teaching. They did it with love. kindness, babying, spoiling, compassion, and sometimes with a  bit of DONT F$% with me attitude. What else might you expect from William the Conquerors and King David’s grandchildren family lines?  

The Problem is this: Some people might say: SO what? Who cares. I do not care about those lady’s. Well there you go again. not listening, Not paying attention to anything this ancient family has to say.

We can assure you, knowing these two is a bigger deal that you think. While it is true that alot of people are descended from the (Imperial) (Clifford family.) also known as the: “Plantagenet” family.  These two women are “Clifford’s.”  By (Multiple -Clifford-lines.) They are (Cliffords-x3) or another good term might be : “Super-Clifford’s.

Today these women and their immediate (son) and grandson  (Prince Jordan) still proudly carry the “Clifford” family last name as, (one) of their  multiple- Royal -Sur names.


The entire De-Clifford / Clifford family is from the Senior-Royal-Lines. They all split and went separate directions around 90  A.D / Each Clifford family line had its own King or Queen and that started, formed or helped build new country’s and Kingdoms.

As you may have guessed, these two women, Kathy and Lois are no different. Somehow, they managed to “re-create” the Plantagenet / Tudor family lines, effectivley starting all over again, from the starting point 2000 years ago., (Picking up where they left off) by possibly raising a “Brand-New-King?” How? because they themselves  are the literal seeds, the offspring of all the Clifford’s (x 3). Naturally this phenomenon was bound to happen again in this  same family line.

. The Royal Clifford’s of Ireland

. The Clifford’s of (House of Tudor)

. The Clifford’s of (William the Conqueror)

. King David’s Great Grandchildren

Who are the Clifford’s?

The Clifford family (aka) “De-Clifford” family,  are in fact your Great-Grandparents family lines. 85% of the earths population is descended from this line over 1,000 years ago. This family line (IS) the “direct line” and “link” to the Biblical Adam and Eve, Jesus, King David and they are the direct line and link to the Egyptian (Black Pharoas tribe) “Adam and Eve.” (Yes there were two sets of Adam / Eve.) This family is a NATIONAL AND WORLD-WIDE TREASURE!

These are not just two regular women. They are literally made up of “multiple-nationalities.” It was around 1,000 AD when all families started “Blending” with euro-Anglo-Saxons. That gave them the “Argent” or “Pearl” skin tones they have now. Yes, a lot of them including Prince Mother and grandmother used to be different colors, (including) black and brown. before they blended.

Where did they came from?

The last country of origin before becoming fully European was ISREAL! Yes! Jerusalem. Yes they are King David and Jesus, Family’s lines. The same line from the beginning of time: Egypt Africa, Asia, Spain, The Pyramids, Pharos and more.)

*(NOTE) All of the Kings and Queens of Europe started with the De-Clifford familys. In fact it was the unwritten law “If you did not start with the Clifford family, you did not become royalty.”


Because they really are descended of King David’s and William the Conquerors family. They really are God’s nephews and nieces and they really did inherit Gods promises. The Prince himself has some very “God given talents” such as choosing the correct partner and mate. (Which is another reason he remains single) because the us government has been attempting to human traffic him into being with one of their people.

They are so delusional, they think they can harness the power of God, by cheating the system.) (Go figure.)

Prince familys lines, has thousands of years of experience in many forms of leadership (including but not limited to)  selecting the proper people and the correct lady to run the country.  He has dismissed several and will continue to do so. Most members of this  family are very legendary and not  trashy. Unless by force.

(Do you want Proof?) Ok glad you asked! Every single one of the European Kings and Queens are made from the De-Clifford’s. (Without the De-Clifford’s) there would be no Royal-Families-at-all-period. No Kings, No Queens of Europe. That means.  NO FREEDOM FOR ANY OF YOU! Think about that. Still not convinced ok how bout this.. This is how important this family is..  You most likely would not even be here without them.

The lady’s in the photo above” “Kathy and Lois” are the Mother and Daughter They are (ALL) of the De-Clifford lines “TIED-TOGETHER” at the exact same time. (That in itself is pretty amazing.) Yes Prince is as well.

Additionally, they are the “Direct-lines” to Irelands Loftus and Littlefield family. Yes, all of those family names we just mentioned. Clifford, Loftus, and Littlefield make up the DNA of these beautiful women and Prince Jordan. All of those families, worked for Queen Elizabeth I. . Those families we just named, were the “most trusted” “most respected” in all of Europe, England, Ireland, France and many other countries.  There is a very good reason for that trust and this family are made up of all those skills talents and DNA.

(*NOTE) Prince mother was brutally and violently murdered by Project mk ultra and all of its affiliated agencies and programs. They used the M.O of making  her death look natural when it was not. They ripped out both of her lungs (when there was nothing wrong with her at all)  They used her in an government experiment.  and watched her die.

She did inform Prince of these facts and did her best to protect him. Even opened a secret PO BOX in Visalia, California with plans of escaping her dishonorably discharged violent sexual and physically abusing husband who was discovered to also be Artificial intelligence husband,  controlled by the us pentagon.

She did her best to protect Prince)

(If she was against Prince) how would he know where the secret PO BOX she opened in 2004, was?

Think about it- 2004! She was forced to file papers against by threats of harm from her artificial intelligence government scumbag, husband. and in the same breath, she was planning on divorcing that man, because he was secretly killing her!

Prince caught onto the the entire plan, but sadly in 2006 (Prince and his mom) were both set up by the Pentagon.  Sadly, they deny it, and sadly the Prince was set up and his mother was murdered. the exact same year, also the same year his baby brother was murdered in another state. Yes, they all were all set up and injured in the year 2005-2006 . You have to be blind to not see that.

His Grandmother was murdered on a later date. although her old age gave them a perfect excuse and once again using the M.O of timing, they murdered her one month after she moved as well. It was all made to look natural. 

Proof of the Family line!

Kathleen Rae Loftus, Clifford, Littlefield (L) Her Brother Mike Loftus, Clifford, Littlefield (R)

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