Royal Family Problems

Photo above: (History Repeats itself)  

 “De-Cliffords (family) and De-Hiltons” (family) – (Christmas 2021)  Pacific Palisades, California

Everyone has their own set of individual problems, in life. Whether you are poor, middle class, rich or in between. (Historically) There is a saying, that rich people have problems, rich kids have problems; called:  rich kid problems or rich people problems, rich girl problems (or) rich guy problems. 


Then there is: “Royal Family Problems!”

(A specific set of problems, only Royal family’s lines would understand)  For example: (Being a “Possible: Prince) and Yes, Prince Jordan is  acquainted with very real Royal families and Princes.  However, due to Jordans family, being  so “close in proximity,” and “so close by blood to its Royal family counterparts, even his own family’s DNA has (7) direct-royal-lines, all leading back to him. (see charts  here)  Therefore; with such a high-concentration of Royal DNA inside him,  all of the problems” an  actual current Royal (Prince) or (Princess) would have… (HE HAS THEM TOO!)    See Some of Prince Jordans very real, royal family and friends photos here.


Lets examine: 

Okay, now in Prince Jordans case;  (Maybe he is? Maybe he isnt?) (Who really cares, it doesn’t even matter.)  But, what does matter is this fact; –  One of the saddest elements, that a lot of the worlds Princes have had to deal with over the centuries is: Some people want to kill or get rid of a Prince.  (Because, the person is an actual Prince,) they look like a Prince, because they look like or  represent the Royal family.  It is sad but true, historically- some of the Royal Princes have been easy royal family targets.  While they are very intelligent, and could / would be great leaders, “SOME OF THEM, ARE “JUST VUNERABLE ENOUGH TO BE GOT!”  Therefore, throughout history, many, Princes have been victimized, or mysteriously disappeared from our hearts, lives and history books, out of hatred, jealousy, corruption, or other. Prince Jordan’s problems seem to be every bit as equivalent. (according to our calculations) His family is from the Senior-Royal-Family-Lines.  (IF) for some reason we are wrong, and he is not?  (Then he might as well be.)  as he does appear to have those same problems.

(See What do Real Princes Look like) 


Regarding.  Heirs / Successors / Children

Yes, he does have (3 beautiful daughters) whom he loves very much: “Kaitlyn,” “Kaylie,” “Torey,” and Yes, there is one more “semi-celebrity” (shared child,) that recently, “made her debut to the world,”  making a total of (four.) Notice; anything unique about the names? (Obviously) you can tell, they are all similar in appearance, sugar, spice and sweetness. (Prince did that intentionally.)  { Sadly, all of the herein relationship’s were sealed, and promised, with a ring, therefore contractually ensured marriage.} But, alas, due to “unforseen, circumstances,” and “broken-contacts,” these families and “possible marriages” did not work out the way he planned.  Nevertheless; each child, was unconditionally loved. Unfortunately, since their- real-father- was not in the picture, they did not get the full benefits, skill-sets, training, teaching and coaching that comes naturally to him. (They and the world, could have greatly benefited from those.)  {Not blaming anyone.} (apparently that is life to some people.)  But not to Prince., thus in order to avoid turmoil or conflict; and “for the sake and “safety of  his own children,” he had to make a sacrifice. Opting to remove himself from the picture. (Never fully getting to raise them.)  (Which broke his heart everyday.) However, he has done his best to consistently reach out and let them know, Daddy loves them with all of his heart. (despite what they may or may not have been  told and -“gaslighted!”


Royal Challenge

(hint) Yes, that is  a very real Royal family problem. It is one that all real royal families know all to well, and they will  understand this. If a “non-royal” enters the picture; a very strange, genetic DNA persecution and hatred arises, (literally for no reason!) in some people.  Why? Many reasons? Several reasons? but also, because they possibly feel lesser than? or possibly  may not be genetically made up of Royal blood. Who knows? But one thing is for sure, these Non-Royals,  instinctually, instead of being happy,  they want to compete or cause problems. (This is not gender specific) both men and women do this. 



Regarding a Relationship: 

Prince Jordans family’s are from the “great-grandparent” senior-royal-lines, (you do the math).  Yeah, he is not amused by that fact either.  

(In fact, like his uncle)  (he is completely un-interested in anyone.)  (which is virtually) all 8 billion people.


Another problem in the Royal Family’s? Church and Religion, which one who or how?  and then what about Private schools?

Private Catholic Schools

(In the 1960s and 1970s,)  Prince Jordans mom- along with her nine brothers and sisters, attended the “physically-abusive” catholic-schools of Southern-California. (Which were the possible cause as to why she chose, abusive men.) -they did abuse Prince too. The catholic church apparently has alot of explaining to do. 

Prince attended  a couple of Private Elementary schools and Multiple Church Sunday Schools his entire life.

 Royal Family Problems continued…

Here are a couple more  real life examples…

 Paris Hilton,  grew up sheltered, spoiled and extremely wealthy and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. 

(however) it does have a psychological effect of kids. When they grown up, they want to spread their wings and grow. therefore sometimes they do the opposite, of what their parents taught them.  You call it “Acting Out” or being a Trouble Maker, but for these kids it really is like shedding their childhood and spreading their wings. and Yes just like Paris after a few subtle mistakes. They usually revert back to what their parents taught them, when they realize their way is not working. 



Prince Jordan, grew up sheltered, spoiled, and extremely “not wealthy,”  (However) they grew up in a similar scenarios. (same family line.)  EXCEPT HER FAMILY OWNED HALF THE WORLD, and Prince family always lived in “upper middle class neighborhoods” and his family always owned their home wherever they went. (Like Paris)  The Prince is from multiple, famous and celebrity lines, (including his immediate family.)

He grew up going to church (3 to 5 times per week.) loving every bit of it. However, as we said above: when these kids  turn approximatly 18, sometimes, they do want to “spread their own wings” and “discover the world.” 

 Prince has never even broken the law. (However) He has been “excessively-victimized,”  (through a series of crimes committed against him)  due to his vulnerabilities and  because his position is different that all other 8 billion people on the planet. 


Due to(NON ROYAL)  step fathers abuse 

He did not even graduate high school until the year of 1993 in Denver, Colorado. (Yes, he was still in High School in 1993.) and In (RHS) Reedley, California,  he had been in Special Education Classes (Due to Brain damage.) Yes his step father (NOT OF THE SAME FAMILY LINE) really literally wanted Prince dead, in order to not be punished for the things he was doing to Prince.



All of that being said:

Shockingly:  “Prince is human too!”  Like Paris, his (Early twenty’s) were spent “floundering around” “figuring the world and life out.”  A lot was due to: being sheltered, and  a lot of “family damage, (“step-fathers causing him “brain damage by being abused”)   Luckily, like Paris, by the age of 30 he reverted back to his parents teachings, (once he punched through all the brain damage, pain and suffering and could focus again.)  Then, sadly he was almost fully healed, when he got horrifically victimized again.  (Today, he is still extremely smart, but slight-disability, due to the abuse)  (re injury) and other…


In case your wondering why the Paris, comparison.. no reason.. except the both of them are distant cousins.   (Google) (De-Hilton and De-Clifford family) they both stayed and played in the same places, have mutual friends, worked together and lived in the same places and hung out a few times. They have shared each others phone conversations and or numbers that’s all… 


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