(SECTION B) Rules of  Signing a contract , Documents, Forms, Papers with a disabled or impaired persons.


YOU MUST WATCH AND LISTEN FOR ANY ADVANCE NOTICE, VERBAL EXPRESSIONS, VERBAL NOTES, VERBALLY INFORMING YOU OF POSSIBLE CHANGES.) YOU MUST BE OPEN TO ACCEPT THOSE POSSIBLE CHANGES. QUESTION: was there a reasonable effort made?  did you make reasonable accommodations for them? clear indications, subtle indications, verbal indications or notifications?  before, during  the signing?  did the Disabled person audibly explain or try to stop, express, ask, get clarification or ask you to explain something to him? pursuant to the disability of not understanding everything all the time? IT IS YOUR RESPONABILITY TO MAKE REASONABLE ACCOMODATIONS. FOR DISABLED, PERSONS,-ACCORDING TO (A.D.A) LAWS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSABILITY TO RECORD THE CHANGES THEY ARE TRYING TO REASONABLY GIVE YOU.  *IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO PAY ATTENTION , TO WHAT THEY SAY, MONITOR CHANGES THEY MAKE or REASONABLY TRY TO MAKE (NOT OURS.)



That  also, means, even if  did the Disabled person are scheduled to a meet with you 3, 4, 5, days from now, (for ANY given reason,) whether it is for: “service,” “show,” “product” or a “performance,  On or before, you meet for the first time, the Disabled persons,  reserve the right to “modify,” anything they say.  The Disabled persons reserve the right to refuse service,   and reserve the right to (change their minds.) You cannot hold them liable or accountable, You cannot force them to “sign any papers, forms, documents, or contracts;” in lieu of what was previously stated. (Because Life Happens)(Things Happen.)  



(IF)  Disabled persons attempt to inform you, they want you to stop the process, STOP, the “TRANSACTION” (BEFORE) or (DURING) your making them sign your papers, forms, contracts, agreements,. YOU MUST STOP THE PROCESS! (IF) you continue to force, trick, manipulate, coerce The Disabled persons, to sign your papers, forms, contracts, agreements, and you knew or reasonably should have known;  they were disabled, had a disability and said “NO”  or that they made a “REASONABLE  EFFORT” to stop you, say no, and to inform you of the following: 

(1.) THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND (2.) They were not interested, (3.) They were trying to say NO. (4.)  They did not intend, or mean what they previously said, post, or advertise, state.  (5.) You knew that they were trying to modify, change their minds, products, services, plans  (6.) They are trying to recant, recall, change anything they say at that point, (7.) They shall not be held liable. because they made a “Reasonable effort”  to inform, stop you from forcing them to sign.

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