* The Royal Knights

Proof of Prince Jordans: Royal Knight and UK / Ireland – Ex-Service – Ancestry!

Sir Royal Knight George Clifford – (Family of PJT)

United Kingdom/ Royal Knights

sadly, after 3000 years – they still have “haters  and  jealous people” roaming the planet; each with an (inbred hatred.) Regardless and  Ignoring those facts, Lets talk about the respect these Royal families deserve?  Do you think it is ok to “lie and “allow lies”  about these Royal family descendants or their great-grandchildren ?”  Do you think its acceptable to put “false-labels,” on them?  Tear down their statues?  Is that the thanks you give to them for making sure you  even exist and are here today?   The next time you go to starbucks or the grocery store, to buy a gallon of milk and loaf of bread;  remember – WHO MADE THAT POSSIBLE?  (Yes, it may have been “partially” your country’s soldiers!  (However) lets give credit, where credit due,  It was actually the Knights, Royal Knights, Kings and Queens families that made it possible way before, your country even had soldiers. Prince families made it possible  for YOUR country’s soldiers  to  be born. (Without them) you would have no soldiers to protect and keep you safe. 


3,000 Years of military pain, battles and wars are imbedded within Prince Jordans Family DNA. 

We  wish that we could say his family DNA is full of 3,000 years of: glamour, laughter, glitz and fashion. but sadly that is not true. YOUR freedom came at a huge cost.  YOUR FREEDOM, is a  direct result of  his families 3000 years of  suffering, injuries, pain, trauma, and catastrophic injuries.

How did this happen? Some of the Royal family’s like:  (PRINCE JORDANS)  have had these traumas so much, that they actually, embedded themselves in his families DNA for thousands of years. As a result the future generations are forced to cope / deal with the severe: (PTSD) (TRAUMA) (Stress) (A.D.D,) (O.C.D) that was genetically passed down from 3,000 years of wars to save you. Not a very nice gift, but twas the cost of” YOUR FREEDOM!  so, the next time you get jealous of Prince Jordan, please remember that. HE IS A GRANDSON AND GREAT GRANDSON OF THESE ROYAL FAMILIES WHO ALL DIED FOR YOU AND YOUR FREEDOM AND HE SUFFERS THE AFTER EFFECTS OF ALL THAT!

Sir George Clifford’s additional suit of armor


Ex-service is British terminology for veterans, which refers to those who have served in the British Empire or Commonwealth Armed Forces.[7][8][9]

Britain, with its historic distrust of standing armies, did little for its veterans before the 19th century. It did set up two small hospitals for them in the 1680s. In London and other cities the streets teemed with disabled or disfigured veterans begging for alms.[10]

The First World War focused national attention on veterans, especially those who had been partly or wholly disabled.[11] The King’s National Roll Scheme (KNRS) was an employment program for disabled veterans of the First World War. Kowalsky says it was practical, innovative, and ahead of its time and was the most important piece of legislation enacted for disabled veterans in interwar Britain. In addition to direct aid, it stimulated a national discussion regarding the need for employment programs for disabled veterans and the responsibility of the state, setting up a future demand for more benefits.[12] In the 21st century, Britain has one of the highest densities of veterans in a major country, with 13 million in 2000, or 219 per 1,000 population.[13


The united states has been giving assistance to native american’s for 300 years as long as they can prove 10% native american heritage. They give the  Royal European Ex-Service families nothing…

Native american agreements

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