First Prince Jordan is a “father and daddy.” Secondly; He was born with  a couple of disabilities, (that he overcame) over and over and over again. Today, he is still an disabled person, whom voulunteers for charitys and organizations, and  strives to overcome his own disabilities.  He is “unanimously-talented,” and has won awards, in many genres and fields. 


For the Record: 

Prince Jordans (birth name) is: Anthony Aldrich. Spelled exactly like:  The  41st “Vice-President” of the United-States, “Nelson Aldrich. (Yes, they are distantly-related.) This website; is simply a “glimpse”  and a “snapshot” of all  the various Royal, Presidential, First-Family, Christians in Prince Jordans family.  It  showcases some parts of  Prince Jordans life and  journeys. 



Why should I read this website? Who is Prince? Is he an interesting person?



Yes, Prince, “His family” and “ancestors,” can all be considered, “Interesting,” or “entertaining-persons.”  As many of the stories (herein) highlights them, the people, places they have traveled, and met.  


Please take note: despite all of the herein: “religious-notations,” “Prince “is not a preacher” “not a pastor” and has never professed to be.”  So, please; do not be confused.- as you scroll through the hundreds of stories of religious persons in his family-tree. Yes, he is very much “Christian,” “NO”- “He does not  make things up,”  (As Proof) (See video above)  some of his family are: “Legendary-Christians.”




(One) of his: “Immediate-grandfathers,” (whom partially-raised-him)  {Monsignor Henry Keane,} of Dublin, Ireland.- (photo above)   Yes, Prince is an “Preachers-Grandchild,” (PGK!) and His mother (photo above) is a Catholic (PK!) “Preachers-Kid. – (See) Definition of  catholic monsignor


Biblical Family

Prince Jordan (aka) birth name: (Anthony!)  His (biological)  sweet, loving, caring mother is (one) of the descendants to: “King-David’s,” family line. She is descended of the “Great-Grand-Daughters” and “Great-Cousin-of-Jesus.”(That means that Prince is too.) (F.Y.I) “Jewish Royal Titles” do pass down through the women. (FYI)- Prince is an only child from (HIS) (biological) mom and (His) (biological) dad. It is from these:  “Classic” Fairytale” “High-School-Sweethearts,” that Prince became the: “Public and family favorite.” As he consistently proved his “Rising;” “Christian-Stardom” skills On (both sides) of that family-coin

Early Childhood

Prince was born into the: “picture-perfect,” classic, fairy-tale-family. “Healthy,” “Clean,” “Flawless,” “First-born, First-boy,” (only-child.) “dual-celebrity”-family’s and family lineage, He was cherished, and loved by everyone. 


It was more than just his very cute, toe-headed, bleach blond, blue eyed, golden-child scenario.  There was an air of magic in the air, Prince was: “The Golden Child.” Spoiled, favored, nurtured, coddled, catered too and (whatever else it took)  by all “ten women” whom effortlessly raised him with “un-conditional” “unwavering-love.” each spending countless-“treasuring-hours,” with him; to ensure – he grew up an “extremely educated,” “super-qualified-gentleman,” excellent-scholar and very-respectable human-being, and maybe one day a dignified “world-class-leader.” (Note) (Just like his mother) he was enrolled into a couple of; “Private-Christian-schools.” There were many discussions regarding him becoming President. (See About Prince.)


 Nothing / Nobody Special 

(PJT) does not now, nor has he ever claimed to be “anything” or “anyone special.” He is simply just an average person. (He is not a President!)  (He is not a Pastor or Preacher!)   (He is not a Movie Star, or Celebrity!)  (He cannot get anyone jobs!)  (He cannot even get or hold jobs for himself!) He is not better, He is not smarter than you. (In fact)  He is not anything at all, period.  (He is not above you,) (they, them, she, her, him or anyone at all.) He does not now, nor has he ever held any (major-positions) of (excessive-power,)-(nor-does-he desire-them.)

He is simply a person whos familys descend from the European and Jewish “Presidential” –“First-Familys” (heritage) lines. (aka) The great-grandparents lines.  – Yes, “some”  of your “great-grandparents lines.”


How Prince got his name?

Good Question: although one person, could just as easily name a child. It usually takes two to agree.  Here is the special way Prince mom and dad, named him. 

In every day life:  most couples just pick a name out of a baby book right? But, this family is unique, in that they had a just a little bit more to consider than just a stereotypical “baby-book name.” Since Prince mom and dad  are both from “historical-celebrity-families lines.” They had to diligently and  carefully select “which “celebrity”- family member to name him after.”  Therefore, Prince Jordans mother being deeply rooted and grounded in her own traditional-familys”-values, picked the  “Holy-biblical name” of: “Anthony” for her son. (In honor) of namesake; “St. Anthony.”  *His  fathers (decision) on that very same name, was based upon his fathers own traditional-familys” history and values. (see dads family here)  




(Read More below)


So why does he have this website? (see the picture above?) we are getting to that, but, overall, this website is purely for: “creative,” “entertainment purposes.” This website, is purely for: “informational,”  “educational,” and “historical” purposes.” Like his biblical family, Prince loves to be 100% transparent and to write, document and record current and past events. He has worked for multiple news agencies and news papers and is still signed to them.

(In case you do read) His ancestral, family line are also some of the persons that “helped to write,” or  actually -“did write” (some parts or part of the bible,) and the worlds rules and laws. Yes even the: “Magna-Carta” was “written,”- “co-written,” or partially,” – written,” by his family. Therefore; organically and naturally- “writing” and “legal-writing” has been a big part of his family for thousands of years.


Not Money Motivated at all. 

Prince does not care about money, In fact; he still volunteers and has volunteered all of his time (for free) to over 50 reputable charities throughout his short life. He  also works with the public (all the time) for free, and despite his disabilities, Prince, is not lazy by any means, he does love to work! However, he would just as easily, prefer to relax on a “ocean-beach,” or “ocean-island,” somewhere and work on his tan. 



He was born into a very Christian family. He has always gone to church, and always been a sweet Christian kid. (now) in present day, he is the exact same sweet Christian kid, (all grown up into a Christian man.)

All of his Christian life; he was taught; “Un-Conditional Love,”  etiquette, courtesy, manors, patience, respect, respect of parents, family, to protect and care for women, to put them on a pedestal, (just as all his grandfathers have done) (for thousands of years) Making them Queens and Princess. He was taught to Un-Conditionally love, people, animals, nature and life. He was taught to Un-Conditionally always be a gentleman, and was raised by: (Ten) wonderful role model women,” whom all collaboratory sent him through (their own versions) of  (AT HOME) finishing schools.



He has never used drugs, and never uses alcohol.  (exceptions) An occasional glass of: red wine for health. He is extremely health conscious, with over 30 years of athletics and 15 years of Gym Memberships, and GNC (general nutrition center) receipts to prove that.



Very similar to his Pastoral Grandfather: {Monsignor Henry Keane} He has visited countless libraries, and consumed coffee at over 100 Starbucks in 5 states. (His favorite view) is in Rancho Palos Verdes, California  (Starbucks with an ocean view.)  He enjoys sitting, drinking coffee, studying, reading, writing or being creative. His every day Starbucks locations are (1.) Malibu, California on Cross Creek Road and (2.) Beverly Hills, California on Beverly Drive. He is usually in/out of those stores, within an couple hours. But, occasionally he is there from morning till night; diligently studying, writing, making music, videos or building websites drinking vast amounts of healthy (10 PH) filtered  water or coffee.



Poor  / Broke / No Money

Prince himself does not claim that he is rich, nor does he even have a dime to his name. (In fact) he is extremely-excessively-poor. As a matter fact, he is not anything special. (with the reservations and exceptions,) that maybe, (possibly) (maybe) has rights to historic family titles. (That my friends is all he has in this world!) Maybe he has rights to a couple of titles.) That is it, that’s all nothing else. 


All of that being said: Even though he keeps to himself, always follows the law, minds his manners and opens doors to help complete strangers,  Sadly there are certain (people / groups / organizations)  who do have a tendency to target people like that, and especially him.  (Apparently it goes with being who he is.) (Apparently it goes with being from the family(s) he is from.) Some criminals,  do love to capitalize upon his misfortunes. Even to the point they, “create and invent misfortunes,” in his life, just so they can capitalize on them and in order to make him more susceptible and more vulnerable. (like picking fruit from a tree.)  They plant misfortunes then  reap the benefits.

Opportunist of all shapes, sizes, positions, titles, and jobs are using these opportunity’s every day to lay their excuses upon him to utilize him as a scapegoat to further themselves, to hide their crimes, using him as a stepping stone, floormat and doormat.

Opportunists, have tried to recruit him, keep him, take him to their countries, and he has politely turned them all down and tried to get away from them. (which makes them even more angry.) Opportunists, have tried to recruit / push him into relationships, to live and even love in their city’s and they tried to get him to their states and to take part in their groups, organizations or cults and to work at their jobs.  They have used reverse psychology on him, to distract / manipulate. 

Yet, with all of that, he has still politically, politely turned them all down. Sadly, some of (these opportunists, become even more angry.) some become violent with him, setting him up, sabatojing him, inventing things, when he told them  he did not want to be in a relationship, or live, or  love,  or be with them in their city’s, states, countries or join their cult, group or organizations.

Published Writer

(Let it be known) Prince is a “PUBLISHED” “Journalist”, “Reporter,” and “Writer.”  He does have a very special ability to gather, collect seek and save evidence, putting pieces and complete factual story’s together, that proves: (who is doing these things, to others, and to him,) (why) and (how they are doing them.) He does include all affiliations / groups / organizations / persons (directly or indirectly they are affiliated with.) 

Legendary Skills

Like his legendary, Texas-Ranger, (Third) Great-Uncle. George W. Littlefield, He is non-racist, very giving, caring, sweet and kind- but, he is simultaneously, “quicker than a flash”  He does not miss a beat.  (If) people attempt to harm him, rest assured,  It is far too late, prince already has everything he needs to prove what they did. The choice is theirs.


All of that being said;

Please enjoy this website:  At the end of the day, It is just for fun!




1.) Is Prince married? 

2.)  In a relationship?

3.) Does he have children? 

(See Royal Family Problems)

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