
By: Prince Jordan Tyson

Brain Damage:

Luckily Prince (first eight years) were magical, fairy tale, child hood years in every sense.  After that Prince  was forced to grow up with an extremely violent man. 


Nice guys Finish Last?

“I’m a Nice Guy.”

Prince was proud to make that statement, through much of his early childhood and adult life. Because he really is/was a Nice Guy. He always wanted to be a Nice Guy, He wanted to treat everyone well, and He wanted to be liked. He couldn’t understand why everyone didn’t have a similar personal mantra. 

What happened?

Prince has been a victim of: over 1,000 “harassments,” “bullying,” “brutality,” “physical,” “sexual, “verbal,” “mental” assaults,  abuse,” “trauma,” “stress,” even several-“catastrophic-accidents,” and “vehicle accidents.” by persons, companies, organizations,  cults, gangs, entity’s, etc…(Click here to see Proof) 

You see; “predatory-criminals,” come in all shapes and sizes – and they love “scapegoating”- distracting, manipulating, taking-advantage-of very “TRUSTING” Innocent, naive;  people like Prince. (IE:) “Setting them up,” (WHEN THEY DONT GET THEIR WAY) – or- “setting them up,” (TO KEEP HIM,)  “stalking,” “following him around town,” (forcing him into situations- he does not want to be in) “cornering-him-inside-of-warehouses,” banks, cities, business, stores, houses, or in public.” 

some even; “try talking him, into  staying at their house, or letting them stay with him. going places or doing things he does not want to do,” awhile others:  Steal from” “rob,” or  “physically-attack him” and/or (cause) him to be “physically-attacked /  “injured” in some way.  All of that does affect (both)  physical and mental health in anyone. 

*(Imagine being the hottest girl in town, that nobody leaves alone!  That is the exact same thing ,only a little different. 


Slip and Fall /  Violent Assault  /  Broken Back, Neck, Ribs.

In 2018, Prince had an: “slip and fall” that broke his spine, then eight months later” was attacked by several gang members, whom caused him brain damage?  broke his spine? (in a separate place.) Including: but not limited to: ribs, spine  and other related injuries. Prince is so lucky to be alive or walking at all, right now.  For a few short months in 2019, he could barely walk. (He had to “Re-learn how to walk.”) Then in; 2020, lost the use of his left arm and shoulder (twice.)  after he regained use his arm and shoulder, they had to sever it completely off, from inside his shoulder and re-attach it again.  That happened in 2021, and (miraculously) he had recently got some limited use of that arm and shoulder back in 2022. Then believe it or not, before he was healed, he became targeted and  victimized again, ( all while he was simply seeking much needed rest) on Medical Emergency and vacation to Alabama. 


Notice the Picture above – (Mike Tyson,  suffers from brain damage.) (without going into to much detail) Prince does qualify too.  


Mike Tyson Disabilities

Muhamaad Ali Disabilities

Child Abuse Disabilities



Trusting / Naivety / Innocence / Purity

Prince; was born and raised with a very “Christian,” “religious,” (small-town-mind-and-heart) (home-town) (down-home) (humble) (pure) “Innocent” “naivety,” and “fragility.”  That may sound nice to you right?  Sadly, all of that was “violently-exploited,” when he was; “used,” “abused,” “manipulated,” “coerced,” and “tricked.” by: “artful-and-designing-persons.” 

You see, his mother taught him to “trust and respect  all of his elders,” and “Trust and respect all people of authority.” “Trust and respect all people in positions of power.” “Trust and respect all persons in positions of authority!” 

Instead, what he discovered was a very-harsh-cruel-reality, the very same people he was taught to be trusting, were “illegally” harming him and others. These deceitful government, corporate-officers, persons in positions of  trust and authority;  (IE)-(Bosses, Managers and Supervisors etc.) All forcing him to sign “unknown-contracts,” and “unknown-documents-papers”- of which, he had no idea what, why or how he was signing them.


*Prince is a “very-genuine” “very-TRUSTING” – Christian-PGK- (Preachers Grandson) -“disabled-person,” who trusts everyone with, his loving, caring, heart and soul- Just as he was raised to do. He loves to serve, God, Jesus, volunteer his time to help those in need. He loves to wait on people -hand and foot, and cater to peoples needs. He loves to help people, He is a family man, (He does have and love children, He is a Father and a Daddy.) His astrological sign (for reference) -“The Water Sign,” “The Crab,” “The Cancer,” “The Lover.”  He is the single most caring, compassionate, sensitive sign of all. The most “family-orientated” sign.  His sign is the one who has” a constant-protective-“shell”-(around him,) and has his guard up all the time. He is a poetic, hopeless, romantic, lover, caring, compassionate, people-person.


How? does Prince have disabilities? 

Even though the Initials of his birth name are: (A.D.A)-  No, “Prince” is not “foaming at the mouth,” “babbling-gibberish,” or “talking to walls,”  but, sadly, Its true.  It is things like (the above televised story and video) and the (one hundred) other unforeseen; “sets-of-circumstances that caused  him to have “physical” and even (some)”mental-disabilities. (IE) “Being “victimized” (over a hundred times.) On top of all that- he was born with: (A.D.H.D) and (O.C.D), and he was victimized by a step father, the: CIA /Project MK Ultra.


How is he able to Function?

In regards to the “two ailments,” (he was born with.) The (H.A.D.D) pulls him away, the (O.C.D) brings him back. Its a constant “tug-o-war” in his mind, like everyone else, he has learned to cope with it, to the best of his ability.- (Think of Einstein.) Yes, he had them too. Sadly, its a “give and take” situation. Only- some days are good.  



People caused his disabilities

The Prince (partially) grew up in: major-tourist-city’s. Sunny-California and Snowy-Colorado. In (1990-2000) Some of the “big-cities”  he was in, were dirty- (as in very-corrupt-dirty.)  The police, sheriffs, government, politicians, even the people, organizations, entity’s, business etc.. As a direct and proximate result of all this corruption, filth, dishonesty, lying, cheating. stealing and crime to him and around him,- It caused damages: To his “NICE-GUY” “Sweetheart” Christian, PGK (Preachers-Grandson) “TRUSTING” heart, soul, spirit, nature and demeanor. It also did not help his mental health.  – (corruption is a virus that spreads.)


Religious (predators) caused his disabilities.

Prince was a born a (Preachers-Grandson.) “literally” raised by The Church, Pastors and Preachers.  He was taught very-religious sets of rules. Although; He was already, naturally born sweet and kind;  His family also, specifically reinforced, these rules everyday. To ensure that It was engrained into him. He was taught, to be: a “Respectful,: “Polite,” “Proper Gentleman,”  gentle, sweet, down to earth, humble, down-home, loving-caring-Christian man and to accept everyone, with open-arms, regardless of: age, race, religion, status, class, origins, nationality, gender, disability, background or creed. (As a result of all of the above, he continuously became a victim while exercising his religious upbringings, teachings and beliefs.) 



Why? How can this happen?

Prince was born as the: blond haired, blue eyed, kid next door. (with-some-minor–disabilities.) He was very-cute and always got showered with Love and affection. Due to his family’s lineage,-born extremely: “TRUSTING” even- “Naive” to a fault.  Therefore, when “violent-predators,” (in office) business,   the public or (even ones with a badge) targeted him (via) (their own agendas, or means of taking advantage of him) they caused his disabilities to become worse.  Despite, his numerous pleas and cries for help- nobody lifted a finger.  Even the Sacramento, California -Orange Ave- FBI Office. or the Los Angeles, Westwood  FBI -office did nothing. as a result; the victimizations continued, and still do to this very day.



* Prince is “informed,” and “based upon that information;” believes, the following. (It is his opinion) that: (Project MK Ultra) – CIA,  has ) (Possibly) taken, or fatally inured, everyone and everything from him that he wants, knows, needs or loves and is (possibly) using them in fatal-experiments.



Family is believed to have been fatally injured

(without concrete proof) (they are good at that)  but., with educated research,  Prince is “informed” and “based upon that information,” believes, that; (it is his opinion) That his Mother was (possibly) fatally injured, by: Project (MK-Ultra) (aka) CIA in 2006, and that it was made to look of “natural-causes.” 

Prince is also, informed, and “based upon that information,” believes; that, (it is his opinion) That his baby brother was (possibly) fatally injured, as well- by: Project: (MK-Ultra) (aka) CIA in 2006, and that it  too, was also made to look of “natural causes.” That particular location was near: Tupelo, Mississippi (that same year) in 2006.

(*NOTE)- “His brother was only in Mississippi a “very-short-time” Before,  he died)- (HE WAS ONLY 21.) – (Similar to Prince situation?)


(*NOTE)- During that same year of: 2006, Prince himself was: “set-up” and “catastrophically-injured.” (all the same year.) (All made to look natural.) 


(*NOTE) “all three persons” had recent- “mysterious” hospital-medical-cases. and (all three) were admitted to Hospitals the same years. in:  2004/ 2005/ 2006


(*NOTE) all three persons were (against) and had (possible) evidence about an “adult-figure” (un-named) person- (believed to be  MK-Ultra experiment.)


Friends are believed to have been fatally injured:

Prince is also: “informed” and “based upon that information,” believes, that, (it is his opinion) that his friend was (possibly) “fatally-injured” as well. She was one of Prince Jordans, “business-partners,” “friends” and a woman he previously emotionally-cared for;  named: “Stacey-Disney”- (Walt-Disney’s-Niece.) (mysteriously)- She had several (random) “heart-attacks”- (in one night.)  (Possibly) by a member of a certain: “US-Presidents-team.” That was involved, and had close ties to Stacey!)  


*( NOTE) THE CIA  (Uses Heart Attack Guns in the course of their jobs)


*(NOTE) (she had a video and story’s about the US President) that also involved: “The Pink Palace!”  She reveled to Prince that she would not go public or mention him, to anyone.  – (*Stormy Daniels)

Prince is also; “informed” and “based upon that information,” believes, (it is his opinion) that his other friend was (possibly) “Fatally-Injured” as well- In the year of (2020.) Her name was: “Kristen-Byrd-Squires.”  She was believed to be in an Luther-Oklahoma jail cell, after she was “drugged” and “forced” to do something- she did not want to do. 

Purge of the worlds population

Living in Los Angeles; Prince is “informed” and “based upon that information,” believes) (it is his opinion)  the “CIA”: Military “Pentagon” “PURGE” is going on in the world  (In his opinion) that (possibly) 75% of the planet (including) its descendants.  and they are being “PURGED.” or “Culled?”   (please send us an email if this is information is not correct) 

Prince is “informed” and “based upon that information,” believes, (it is his opinion) that they may have (possibly) purged, his family and possibly his friends? while simultaneously, using them as experiments. We pray and hope that we are wrong- that is based on information’s we received.  


Pain and Suffering

Today, (as a result) of “all of the above,”- Prince  obviously, i suffering, and still suffers in pain and sometimes even extreme agony. He has lost ability to go home to his state, to see his doctors, pain management doctors, and he has lost access to his full- (100% medical-coverages,) that he heavily relied upon. (He now has no medical coverage at all.)  and has been refused medical insurance.  He has lost alot of his friends, and is now separated from the rest of them, (including his family,) and (emotional support circles.) He was literally “cut off” “Cold Turkey” from all of his medical care and doctors.



To assume that he is not, “Disabled” or at the least: “semi-disabled” is equally-discriminatory;  especially given- all of the traumas that he has suffered and been through. That ignorance would constitute discrimination. There are doctors in Beverly Hills, Van Nuys, and Los Angeles, California, Steamboat, Colorado- who will confirm. 



So how is he able to get around so well? How does he look so well? upright?  It is his sheer persistence, commitment to excellence and continuance towards excellence, that continually drives him to that golden dream of his. (Additionally) he is from a family of: World-Hero’s and World-Legends, you will never know what he is feeling- simply by looking at him.



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