One of Prince Jordans Great Grandfathers is King Henry III son. ( The lesser known son)  Lord Edward “Crossback” (aka) “Crouchback” Lord Edward was the fashion designer son. Who stitched his own “Christian Crosses” into his own clothing. earning him the name: “CROSS BACK.”  They said “he was the only Lord worthy of wearing a cross!”  Edmund or Edwards real last name was Plantagenet (aka) De-Clifford (aka) Norman.  Lord Edward married and had children with Blanche of Artois. She was the Queen of Navarre and Countess of Champagne. she is the niece to: “King Lois IX” of FRANCE Now, since Prince has royal family everywhere, this one on particular is interesting because: Lord Edward only had two surviving children. which means there are only about 5ooo remaining descendants of him living today, and prince is one of them. When Lord Edmund passed in 1296 his estate of “The House of Lancaster” all of his monies and properties went into a special bank account called the Duchy of of Lancaster in 1461 by order of King Henry IV. Todays total is about $685 million. The Duchy was ordered to be held separate from the crown. to ensure future Plantagenet descendants.

Lord Edwards last name was: “De-CLIFFORD.”  Although: other people have been added to prince family tree, his family tree have always been the “De-Clifford” family. despite the new additions (in between) they still have the last name of Clifford today.

Bottom Line: (They started as Clifford’s in 1000 ad., and are still Clifford’s today in 2025.)

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